Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/22 4:22

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Sorry for my late reply^^;;

francis kicking my ass^^:
What about another update on your hack?

I love it^^;;(sorry^^;;)

francis wrote:
To avoid those nasty scrollbars you get when you read or write a pm use a resizetocontent-script.
I found a nice one, if you are interested I'll post the code.

Wow^^Sounds Cool!...^^
...you know what....
Any idea/advice/suggestion are welcomed here!! Let's share^^..
as you know, some don't like/want XOOPS to have many scripts.
(...a little worry--;;)

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/23 7:12

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

wanikoo do you accept new features or working on imvironment ?
- set a time limit to prevent send pm after pm in a very short time.
some people click on send several times and send 3-4 pms with same content

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/2/3 22:15

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Not official Upgrade...just update for only..Korean Users.
So...If you already downloaded Ver4.2 and aren't user of XOOPS Korean,you don't have to download this newly.

I've started a new project to make XOOPS Korean version and Korean language files of famous modules.
so...this upgrade is just for XOOPS Korean.
korean(EUC-KR) language file added.
Korean(UTF-8) language file added.
pdfpmsg4koreanutf.php, koreanutf.php added for XOOPS Korean(UTF-8 Version).



-Stable Version => Ver2.85(default)
-Test Version => Ver4.2(+pmconfig+GroupPM+etc)
-DB-toolkit for DB-novice(only for New install/uninstall)


irmtfan wrote:
wanikoo do you accept new features or working on imvironment ?
- set a time limit to prevent send pm after pm in a very short time.
some people click on send several times and send 3-4 pms with same content

thesedays....a little busy in my new project.
but...I will try to realize your suggestion in the next version.

From wanikoo ( wani@wanisys.net )

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/3/7 8:00

  • Hisoka

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2005/3/2 1

I have just two little suggestions (two nasty things i saw with the last version).

When we use a popup to send PM, there are two scrollbars. The one horizontal, is not beautiful at all, and not useful too.(there is one, horizontal, with the popup to find partner, wich is not beautiful too)
Then, when we read PM, if the user hasn't put any signature, we always have "Download to chunk", wich is not beautiful too.

Hope there is a solution

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/3/8 12:14

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


Hisoka wrote:
I have just two little suggestions (two nasty things i saw with the last version).
When we use a popup to send PM, there are two scrollbars.
The one horizontal, is not beautiful at all, and not useful too.
(there is one, horizontal, with the popup to find partner, which is not beautiful too)
Then, when we read PM, if the user hasn't put any signature,
we always have "Download to check", which is not beautiful too.

Very thanks for your suggestion!!
I will try to make your suggestion realized in the next version!!

Quite a long time....No upgrade^^;;
(As I mentioned before, I had been a little busy in my new project.)
I think it's the right time to rechallenge this PM-hack.

Here is my upgrade plan!
I plan to upgrade/add these to this PM-hack.
-Preview Mode in pmlite.php and pmgrouplite.php
(Yeah...it's necessary^^)
-Code refinement
( As you know, some codes of this PM-hack are a little messy..so I will refine them.)
-function of form type selection
(yeah... Wysiwyg Form^^.. I plan to borrow some codes of newbb2.0.x )
-Advanced Viewmode(HTML View etc) for PMs written with Wysiwyg Form
(Umm...basically I will disable HTML in viewing PMs.
but... instead...I plan to provide HTMLView button which leads user to a popup window for advanced view(html enabled). )
-Templates which are file-based!! No Insert into DB.
( Yeah...no insert into DB..just file-based! )
-etc ( improvement of design...)

PS: Umm...
some people suggested function of file-attachment.
but...I have no plan to add it to this PM-hack at this point...
because I don't think it's security-safe..(^^considering my skill.)

From wanikoo ( wani@wanisys.net )

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/3/8 17:08

  • Hisoka

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2005/3/2 1

You're welcome , thanks for being always on the project..

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/3/10 14:34

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Quite a long time....No upgrade^^;;
(As I mentioned before, I had been a little busy in my new project.)

Upgraded to Ver4.5 !!!

>>Preview Mode added(pmlite.php,pmgrouplite.php)
Now,you can preview your PM before sending it!
You will have PREVIEW button in case of writing your PM with TextareaForm not with WysiwygForm because WysiwygForm has its own preview mode.
>>Function of setting time-interval against consecutive-send.(pmlite.php, configpmsg.php)
Admin can set time-interval against consecutive-send
#How To Set#
Access the menu,"Set PM System Policy(Admin Only)" [configpmsg.php?op=editpmsystempolicy]
and set the option, "Set time-interval of consecutive-send"
(ex: 0 means no limit, 10 mean 10 seconds , And Admin is exceptional!)
>>Function of selecting form types allowed to PM-users.
Yeah...Wysiwyg Form^^.. I borrowed some codes of newbb2.0.x.
In this stage, you can use Spaw Editor,HTMLArea,Koivi Editor(not confirmed but..also FCK Editor,TinyMCE Editor)
( (if you've not installed them yet)First of all, you have to download and install them. but Don't worry! Very simple!! Just download them and copy them under /html/class.
#Download here(Project: WYSIWYG editors for XOOPS)
#How To set form types allowed to PM-users#
Access the menu,"Set PM System Policy(Admin Only)" [configpmsg.php?op=editpmsystempolicy]
and set the option, "Select form types allowed to PM-users"
(Yeah...multi-select!! Default:Compact and DHTML)
>>Advanced Viewmode(HTML View etc) (for PMs written with Wysiwyg Form) added ( read2pmsg.php)
Basically this PM-system continue to disable HTML in viewing PMs.
but... instead..it now provides Advance View button(VIEW+) which leads user to a popup window for advanced view.
Now these View Modes available!!
define("_PM_VIEWMODE1","Wysiwyg View Mode(HTML+Smiley+Xcode)");
define("_PM_VIEWMODE2","Show View Mode1(NO HTML+Smiley+Xcode+Image+br)");
define("_PM_VIEWMODE3","Show View Mode2(HTML+Smiley+Xcode+Image+br)");
define("_PM_VIEWMODE4","Edit View Mode");
define("_PM_VIEWMODE5","Preview View Mode1(NO HTML+Smiley+Xcode+Image+br)");
define("_PM_VIEWMODE6","Preview View Mode2(HTML+Smiley+Xcode+Image+br)");
define("_PM_VIEWMODE7","FormPreview View Mode");
>>Some improvement in Design..etc.
All popup widows resized!!
If signature of PM is empty, "download to check" button for signature will not appear any more.

How to upgrade 4.2->4.5
1, No change on PM DB^^No touch^^
2, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[or pmsg_upgrade3x-45.txt])
Add the upgraded contents( under//WANISYS.NET PM HACK4.5) of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
3, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
[Exception] pmhackconfig.php
- If you customized this file for your system, you must not overwrite pmhackconfig.php[/html/pmhackconfig.php and /html/cache/pmhackconfig.php])
Access the menu,"Set PM System Policy(Admin Only)" [configpmsg.php?op=editpmsystempolicy]
And set the options, "Set time-interval of consecutive-send" and "Select form types allowed to PM-users" for your system.(!/html/cache/pmhackconfig.php must be writable!!)
And copy modified /html/cache/pmhackconfig.php to the directory[/html] like this [/html/pmhackconfig.php]
4, That'a all! Enjoy this new PM system4.5!!
#Download WYSIWYG editors here(Project: WYSIWYG editors for XOOPS)

How to install[new install]

1, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
2, Copy/Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
(You must back-up original files...before this hack!!!!)
- We need /html/modules/newbb/fpdf/ for PM PDF function.(using fpdf of newbb2.0)
but you don't have to install newbb2.0...because it needs just "~/fpdf" ...not all newbb system.
(1)If you have already installed newbb2.0, you don't have to copy it(/html/modules/newbb/fpdf/).
(2)If you're using newbb1.0, Just add ~/fpdf to newbb1.0..(I mean,just copy it)
(3)If you don't have/use newbb, Just make the directory,"/html/modules/newbb/". and Copy it!!
3, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[and pmsg_upgrade3x-45.txt if it exists])
Add the contents of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
4, Open this file(/html/footer.txt)
Add the wanipmhack section(I mean ////////////////WANIPMHACK3.0) of footer.txt to footer.php.
5, That's all!! Enjoy this new PM system!!
#Download WYSIWYG editors here(Project: WYSIWYG editors for XOOPS)
How to uninstall

1, Replace all changed files with your original files.
2, Delete all new files.
(html/ configpmsg.php, printpmsg.php, backuppmsg.php, pmgrouplite.php, usersearch.php, userkeysearch.php, pmhackconfig.php, overlib_mini.js, pdfpmsg.php, read2pmsg.php)
(html/cache/ pmhackconfig.php)
(html/include/ pm_functions.php)
(html/kernel/ privmessageconfig.php, pmuserkey.php)
(html/images/ inbox.gif, readbox.gif, rsavebox.gif, rtrashbox.gif, outbox.gif, sentbox.gif, psavebox.gif, ptrashbox.gif, pmhelp.png, xoopspm_slogo.png)
(html/images/icons/ backuppm.gif, forwardpm.gif, gforwardpm.gif, printpm.gif, pmuserkey.gif, pmcheck.gif, pdfpm.gif, pmadvanceview.gif)
(html/images/pmsubject/icon1.gif, pm_normal_u.gif, pm_normal.gif, pm_normal_e.gif, pm_re_u.gif, pm_re.gif, pm_re_e.gif, pm_fw_u.gif, pm_fw.gif, pm_fw_e.gif, pm_gpm_u.gif, pm_gpm.gif, pm_gfw_u.gif, pm_gfw.gif)
3, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack_uninstall.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
4, That's all!! Very simple^^;;



-Stable Version => Ver2.85(default)
-Test Version => Ver4.5(+pmconfig+GroupPM+etc)
-DB-toolkit for DB-novice(only for New install/uninstall)


From wani[wani@wanisys.net]

the most educational site, wanisys.net [ http://www.wanisys.net ]

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/3/10 14:45

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

  • Since:

Just one quick reply. In a few files you are embedding overlib_mini.js. The path to that file should not be XOOPS_ROOT_PATH, but XOOPS_URL. Otherwise it may happen, that overlib_mini.js is not included correctly.

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/3/10 15:15

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


francis wrote:
Just one quick reply. In a few files you are embedding overlib_mini.js. The path to that file should not be XOOPS_ROOT_PATH, but XOOPS_URL. Otherwise it may happen, that overlib_mini.js is not included correctly.

Oh!!!!My god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't notice that!!!!!
(it works on my test server. so~~~~~~~)
Very sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't download it yet!!!!
I will fix it now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/3/10 15:58

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

I fixed my big mistake!!!!!!
(You can now download Ver4.5!!)
Very sorry for my stupid mistake!!
If you use the old versions(Ver4.0, 4.1,4.2) of this PM-Hack,
You must fix my stupid mistake like this!!

##Target files including that code!!##
Ver4.1,Ver4.2, Ver4.5(now fixed)

Very sorry for my mistake again!!


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