Didn't want to dump this sections module because I have over 200 articles in it but seems I'll have to.. Because this module has no template to edit and anytime I try in the index.php file i get a string termination error, I'm up the proverbial creek without a paddle.
There is no template file in this module like there are in all the other modules I use. Very poor design I guess. The articles while doing the job, do not look Professional in this format. Having the title with the same size font size and color aligned left but in bold just above the article content is lame. I figured once I could edit it I could even include a place for an image of the staff writer, which there are 5 and even if i had to assign 5 classes to a style sheet for each, I would and really spruce up those pages.
It's a fantasy football site and starting to go strong and it needs to have a more professional look to be ready for next season's additions. URL if you want a look is
http://www.fantasysportznutz.com. Theme music on the home page so if you look, turn your speakers down. The articles main link is in the left block and also in the table i made in the lower center block.normally not set for anon but i'll open it up for a while.
Again..what you helped me with will help me so much in some of my other upgrades and save me tons of time. Very much appreciated. Just figures this module doesn't have what all the others do.