Registry needed
  • 2005/1/18 2:46

  • gruessle

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 348

  • Since: 2003/9/20


I have a Motorcycle site with about 1000 users. The users are asking me to setup a registry simular to the one at http://www.micapeak.com/reg/bikes/VICTORY/

You can check my site at http://vmclinks.com

Thank you

Re: Registry needed
  • 2005/1/19 1:55

  • gruessle

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 348

  • Since: 2003/9/20


Re: Registry needed

It is possible to make something similar to this using Formulize, our form creation and reporting module, which you can download here:


Formulize is not itself a vehicle registry module, but you can use it to create a form that contains all the information you wish to record about the bikes. You can then also create reports about the data that has been entered (such as all bikes newer than date X, bikes of such and such a make, all bikes newer than date X AND of such and such a make, etc).

Those reports can be made available to the users so they can use them to view the data in different ways.

Users can also have access to the report writing tools so they can search the data themselves, if you wish.

The version of Formulize that is currently available is a release candidate, but is believed to be very stable. Full documentation will accompany the final release. Full docs would help a lot in creating this kind of application with Formulize, but if you want to post questions in the Formulize Forum on dev.xoops.org, I will try to answer them.


Re: Registry needed
  • 2005/1/19 4:40

  • gruessle

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 348

  • Since: 2003/9/20

do you have a test site?

Re: Registry needed

There is a partial demo here:


I say partial because it doesn't show you the form creation side. It shows two different forms, one is a form where you can make multiple entries and view the entries of other users in the same group as you. The other form is a single-entry form (conference registration is the example used -- you only register yourself for a conference once).

The first form, the multiple entries one, would be similar to what you want to do with the registry, so it might be a good example to check out. On the "View Entries" page you can select from a few different pre-defined reports that also give you an idea of how you could slice up the entries and present them back to users.

As I said, this is a partial demo, so keep in mind that it is possible to configure your form(s) so that each user would only see their own entry by default on the "View Entries" page (which is different from how the demo site has things setup), but each user could still have access to reports generated from the entire set of data from all users.



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