Hi all,
Our domain had to change for reasons unneeded here, but when
we changed it we were also moving the directory serving the domain, i.e. renaming it.
I changed the mainfile.php to reflect these changes, and at first everything seemed to work...
However, a small problem has showed up with this...
I get the following error...
XOOPS path check: Script is not inside XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and cannot run.
I get this for either the public pages OR the admin pages depending on how I modify the mainfile.php XOOPS_ROOT_PATH
I switched everything back and even moved the root back to the old position, but the error persists...
is this variable stored somewhere else then in mainfile.php?
webserver is serving the domain x.y.z from /x.y.z/
works fine for public pages with XOOPS_URL and XOOPS_ROOT_PATH like above, but the admin pages complain about them not being in the new domain I set up a.b.c
if I switch the root path to the new one, the public pages complain and the admin pages work, real strange.
are these values stored somewhere else?
define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://x.y.z');
webserver is serving from this place...
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin www@x.y.z
DocumentRoot /usr/local/webroot/x.y.z
ServerName x.y.z
ErrorLog logs/x.y.z-errors
CustomLog logs/x.y.z-access combined
<Directory "/usr/local/webroot/x.y.z">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
but the reported scriptdirectory is the wrong one for either the admin or public pages depending on which one I have in the mainfile.php
Any ideas?