Hi predator thanks ..
I tried posting to see if the post count updates .. but ..
Insert post error:INSERT INTO xoops_bb_posts ( post_id, pid, topic_id, forum_id, post_time, uid, poster_ip, poster_name, subject, dohtml, dosmiley, doxcode, doimage, dobr, icon, attachsig, attachment, approved, post_karma, require_reply) VALUES (0, 92, 34, 18, 1105166474, 3, -587231979, '', 'Re:Additions', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 1, '', 1, 0, 0)
What I did to update:
1. Downloaded the latest full final rar file. Extracted to my com and uploaded to the same folder, overwriting all files.
2. Updated in the module
3. Run the RC3 to Final update.
4. Updated the module in the Admin section again
5. Deleted all the template files in XOOPS admin
6. Re-generated them
Please help.