by tzvook
Will each user have the option for his pages, or will it be by groups, or maybe a few user with a shered pages ?
If only specific groups are to create homepages, give those groups access rights to the 'Edit/Create Homepage' block. If I can make homepages duplicatable (fingers crossed) then classified group homepages will be easier to maintain. The homepage owner has the option to grant extra members access to edit their homepage... (each family will have it's home in the site)
by tzvook
- Admin can create multiple categories and sub-categories
If that's what you mean .. it'll be great
What I mean is,
cat1, cat2 :: subcat1, subcat2 :: homepages (LIST OF HOMEPAGES)
by tzvook
may I suggest that there Will be a posibility to skip one section (eg: Category :: Homepages) ?
It is possible to remove subcategories to get eg: Category :: Homepages. Beta testers are welcome, thank you.
by skara
Im willing for a good danoation if this will help you to go faster for this amazing project!
and i mean it, i have already help other developers too.
what do u think?
All I want out of this is some cool musician homepages, I do everything to support local music scenes. Like you said, "help you to go faster," if it would help I will let you know. Give some money to Mithrandir, he is the true hero and developed the original module. Maybe he would be willing to give a hand after this generosity.
by danielh2o
Will you consider to make a default/sample homepage for user selection? It can be their first big step!
I think general user may know nonething about homepage building by their own.
Exactly what I was thinking. There would need to be user documents, demo homepage, and thinking of adding small user tips throughout the templates.
Thank you all for your interest. Between my band practices and work I am booked up this week. At the moment, everyday I can only get in a few hours of work in, the morning and late at night. I really want this as much of all of you and will continue the best I can. Hopefully be this weekend I could have something to show. I'm so excited!