kuplo wrote:
Im trying to figure out a way of removing the "submit article" wording in my sites main menu from registered users. Basically I dont want registered users to be able to submit an article. I want anon and registered users to be able to read the articles but not submit articles. I can't seem to find any permissions that will restrict registered users from submitting an article.
How can I do this please.
Thank you,
Well it would help if you tell which version of WF-Sections you are using. 1.x, 2.01, 2.07beta1?
However there is a general way to remove such submenus from the main menu which helps with many modules not only ours.
Usually every module has a file xoops_version.php which contains those entries which are added to the main menu.
One way is to just comment them out there.
Example: (wf-sections 2.01)
Line 176-177:
$modversion['sub'][$i + 1]['name'] = _MI_WFS_SUBMIT;
$modversion['sub'][$i + 1]['url'] = "submit.php";
just comment them out with a double "//"
// $modversion['sub'][$i + 1]['name'] = _MI_WFS_SUBMIT;
// $modversion['sub'][$i + 1]['url'] = "submit.php";
do the same for the lines 187-188.
Another example is if you wanted to remove the "popular","topten"and "archive" links those would be in lines 193-198
$modversion['sub'][$i + 2]['name'] = _MI_WFS_POPULAR;
$modversion['sub'][$i + 2]['url'] = "topten.php?counter=1";
$modversion['sub'][$i + 3]['name'] = _MI_WFS_RATEFILE;
$modversion['sub'][$i + 3]['url'] = "topten.php?rate=1";
$modversion['sub'][$i + 4]['name'] = _MI_WFS_ARCHIVE;
$modversion['sub'][$i + 4]['url'] = "archive.php";
Just as an example. If you work with another version you could look out for the position of those lines as they should be (nearly) identical.
If you need more help on this issue you can also have a look over to our homepage
http://www.wf-projects.com. This is also where you can find the latest version 2.07 which is still in beta. (there is currently no upgrade script available!)