Error: Name is reserved...
  • 2004/12/10 19:48

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

My site is currently closed to new users because of ongoing development, but when I allow new user registrations---I'm trying to make sure the html in an auto-responder email looks okay---I continually get the error message that the "name is reserved". This happens with ANY user name I input and I'm not sure where or how to fix this...Does anyone know what's causing this?

I'm not sure if this affects the problem or is causing it, but I have user name filtering set to "medium" because I thought maybe this would make a difference (as opposed to leaving it set to "strict") but it doesn't seem to matter.

Re: Error: Name is reserved...
  • 2004/12/10 21:12

  • WarlockNZ

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2004/12/7

I was under the impression that the site had to be open to allow new users to register.

Try having a look at the database table as well..

Just a thought :)

Re: Error: Name is reserved...DEBUG INFO
  • 2004/12/11 15:06

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Ran MySQL debug and got these results:

SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = 0 AND conf_catid = 1) ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id = '6b15a41369d92d4f78faf6ec807238f5'
SELECT * FROM xoops_users WHERE uid=1
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'system'
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'system'
SELECT * FROM xoops_configcategory WHERE confcat_id=1
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = 0 AND conf_catid = 1) ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE (hasmain = 1 AND isactive = 1) ORDER BY weight ASC, mid ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_tplset
SELECT * FROM xoops_configoption WHERE conf_id = 13 ORDER BY confop_id ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_groups WHERE groupid != 3
SELECT * FROM xoops_configoption WHERE conf_id = 32 ORDER BY confop_id ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_configoption WHERE conf_id = 33 ORDER BY confop_id ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_smiles
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE hasmain = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC, mid ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_modid = 1 AND (gperm_groupid = 1 OR gperm_groupid = 2))

I'm not that familair with MySQL to determine if any of these show problems...I ran the Smarty Debug and got a lot of info and I ran PHP Debug but got no results. I really need some help with this. Anyone?

BTW, the site is turned-on and 'allow new users' is set to 'yes' when this error occurs.

Re: Error: Name is reserved...PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS.
  • 2004/12/20 15:43

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

I can't believe I can't find any information here on fixing this problem or that I'm the only one who has seen this error...Is the user name filtering causing this problem? It doesn't seem to matter what filter setting I use, the error still shows up.

I tried to set-up a new user again today, with new user registration and the site ON, and STILL get the "Error: Name is reserved" message. WHY is this happening? We plan to go live in less than a month but we sure won't be able to if new users can't register. Please help. Thank you.

Re: Error: Name is reserved...PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS.
  • 2004/12/20 16:24

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2277

  • Since: 2003/11/7

Here's the code that generates that error, in register.php (from XOOPS 2.0.9 beta):

foreach ($xoopsConfigUser['bad_unames'] as $bu) {
   if ( !empty(
$bu) && preg_match("/".$bu."/i"$uname) ) {
$stop .= _US_NAMERESERVED."";

There might be something flaky in the "Enter names that should not be selected as username" field in your Control Panel >> System Admin >> User Info Settings. In my case, it's:


Re: Error: Name is reserved...PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS.
  • 2004/12/20 16:29

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

I have the same:


I have no idea what to do with this...As I said, we won't be able to go live with this error showing-up. This is frustrating.

Re: Error: Name is reserved...PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS.
  • 2004/12/20 16:37

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2277

  • Since: 2003/11/7

Do you have phpMyAdmin installed? If so, post the output from this query:

SELECT FROM xoops_config WHERE conf_name 'bad_unames'

Re: Error: Name is reserved...PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS.
  • 2004/12/20 16:44

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

conf_id  conf_modid  conf_catid  conf_name  conf_title  conf_value  conf_desc  conf_formtype  conf_valuetype  conf_order  
34 0 2 bad_unames _MD_AM_BADUNAMES a
:4:{i:0;s:9:"webmaster";i:1;s:6:"^xoops";i:2;s:6:... _MD_AM_BADUNAMESDSC textarea array 24

This is the output. Any ideas? I don't see anything wrong here...

Re: Error: Name is reserved...PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS.
  • 2004/12/20 16:52

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2277

  • Since: 2003/11/7

The conf_value you posted is truncated, so I can't see the whole thing, but the "a:4" looks suspicious; that means that there are four entries there.

Based on what you posted earlier, it should be:


You might try copy/pasting this into the control panel field, and see if that fixes it:


Be careful not to use any leading or trailing spaces, although I'm not sure if that matters.

Re: Error: Name is reserved...PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS.
  • 2004/12/20 16:58

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Oddly enough, that worked (copy and paste) although I couldn't physically SEE any blank spaces there. Maybe I need glasses in my old age...Now, if I could only fix the ridiculous .css problem I have, we'll be on our way.

Thank you for your help.


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