Open wfchannel/admin/index.php
Go to line 63 and add:
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/wysiwyg/formwysiwygtextarea.php';
Go to line 135:
$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea(_AM_CHANA . _AM_WORDCOUNT . $total_words, 'page', $page, 15, 60), false);
And replace by:
$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea(_AM_CHANA . _AM_WORDCOUNT . $total_words, 'page', $page, '100%', '400px',''), false);
Go to line 568:
$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea(_AM_CHANA, 'linkintro', $linkintro, 15, 60), false);
And replace by:
$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea(_AM_CHANA,'linkintro', $linkintro, '100%', '400px',''), false);
Go to line 723:
$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea(_AM_CHANA, 'chanrefheadline', $chanrefheadline, 15, 60), false);
And replace by:
$sform->addElement(new XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea(_AM_CHANA, 'chanrefheadline', $chanrefheadline, '100%', '400px',''), false);
As you can see if you have read the koivi docs, this one is very similar to the whole examples.
So if you don't have time to read the docs just be patient to be answered.