Re: bug on XOOPS!

yes, it will not to show the URL or the address bar for security purposes. I put a little bit of javascript like
'tollbar=no, menu=no' but still unsuccessful.

Re: bug on XOOPS!

I've been using this script in the mainmenu.html and I had a problem when an Administrator had logged in no problem the link/window will popup but if an anonymous user click the link CrimeMapping it didn't popup it proceed on the same page.

What can I do to fix this?

Re: bug on XOOPS!

I put the link up to this one:
1. Go to system admin -> templates
2. Clone the default template set, and give the clone a good name
3. Go to system module templates, blocks (scroll down), main menu block template, open it for editing.
4. After , add your link:

<{if !$xoops_isadmin}>
<{if $xoops_isadmin}>
CrimeMapping Administration

My question is I had created another group called PCP1 & PCP2 and 2 links in my menu namely "PCP1 Administration & PCP2 Administration, how can I make PCP1 access only the page "PCP1 Administration" & PCP2 can access only "PCP2 Administration" page?

Please help me...


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