Thanks a lot. This works. But now I'm more confused ...
The difference is that I put the include_once for the XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea class (formwysiwygtextarea.php) in admin_header.php thinking that since it should only be included once, it would be good to put it in the header file. Here is my include:
// Project: The XOOPS Project //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
include_once "../../../mainfile.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopsmodule.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/cp_functions.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/xoopscodes.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/xoopsformloader.php';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/wysiwyg/formwysiwygtextarea.php';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
include '../../../include/cp_header.php';
Note that I copied/edited the last original include_once line, the one for xoopsformloader.php -- which happened to use single-quotes.
Since I couldn't believe that one "include_once" in a header should work differently from two "include_once" statements in index.php, I tried changing the single-quotes in the header file to double-quotes (since your include used a double-quoted string), and [...drum roll...] that makes it work!
Is there some special rule about when you can/can't use single quotes in PHP? I always thought they were basically interchangable?
Anyway, thanks again for this very nice editor. It's going to make the sites I manage much more friendly to their owners.