Good morning,
I'm trying to customize a smarty template and am having a seemingly simple problem.
My template is currently using the standard loop around form elements to display a form:
<{foreach item=element from=$contribute_form.elements}>
<{if $element.hidden != true}>
<td class="head"><{$element.caption}>td>
<td class="<{cycle values="even,odd"}>"><{$element.body}>td>
I'd like to be able to customize the look of the form and I want to write my own HTML while accessing each form element separatly (not in a loop).
I tried the following code and it isn't working:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="240">
<td class="" width="90"><{$contribute_form.firstname_text.caption}>:td>
<td class="" width="150"><{$contribute_form.usersFirstName.body}>td>
Am I not accessing the form elements correctly? Can anyone set me straight?
Thanks in advance,