Well, I re-translated everything, and added changes I wanted.
To suite my layout I've changed the acutall size of the E-Card, which forced me to make further changes to the script, as the card is rendered by the script. I had also changed the position of the horziontal lines, regarding email address from and to, as the address was placed right on the line, and visually didn't look to pleasent.
To be honest with you, I am still not happy with the look of the card, but see this as a minor issue, and are concentrating on other efforts.
There is an issue with E-Cards and full returns. The script renders a symbol with the line break, which might confuse the E-Card reciever. Duc-Tape-Solution: don't use return.
I don't know about Xcgal, but will give it a try.
By the way, E-Card has an option, that allows your users to send artwork to the admin, to use as E-Card (I've disabled that option though).
PS: Sorry VINIT for the late reply, had lots to do, and didn't notice your reply until now!!