I've just started my first attempt at customising a module, I want the basic functionality of the news module but with a slight modification.
It's for fixed content e.g.
Places To Go / Venues / Place Name
Factual information goes here....
User comments and ratings go here (just as in news)
I'd like the menu to display the categories of places to go, and then the sub-topic of each once you click that.
This makes navigation easier
Currently the menu code looks like this:
// Menu
$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
$modversion['sub'][1]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_SMNAME1;
$modversion['sub'][1]['url'] = "submit.php";
$modversion['sub'][2]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_SMNAME2;
$modversion['sub'][2]['url'] = "archive.php";
I have no need for the archives script, i'd like to keep the submit option and incorporate this category/sub-category idea into the menu.
Is this possible? and how?
Thanks in advance!