I am running a website/community for people interested in "forn sed" (old norse religion, mythology and norse folklore) at
http://gimle.drengskap.com. I am in need of a "tourist guide-module" where my users could tip each other of different places in Scandinavia worth visiting. In this case it would be used for (for some examples) heathen runestones, old burial mounds, places for heathen cult (pre-historic as well as places in use today) or sacrificial springs.
I would like it to be possible to categorize the places in categories and sub-categories (Sweden>>Sacred places>>Sacrificial springs or Denmark>>Prehistoric remains>>Runestones). The users should be able to send pictures, text descriptions and a "getting there description". A map option would of course be super, but I doubt it will work (connections with external map-DB:s are usually either costly or free and not very usable). Comments and print options would also be nice.
I have tried to use the MyReview-module but it holds a lot of non-wanted functions such as Love it, Onion, Recommend, Vote and so on. I tried to edit the module but messed it all up (I am not very familiar with PHP). So a special module for this purpose would truly be great! I guess this module would be usable to a lot of other sites as well?