OK here are some bugs I've found.
Everything tested on a debian-box with php 4.4.4-8+etch4, MySQL 5.0.32-7etch3 and Mozilla-Browser.
- If you have more friends than fit on one page, no second page is displayed
- If you have no left-colum, a right colum, center-bottom blocks are displayed in the right-colum
- If you delete a user which has friends, the friends are rested as ghosts ... (probably a sync-botton in the prefenrences could solve the database-inconsistenz)
similar problem which groups, if the owner is deleted, no one could edit them.
- Carige-Returns in scraps are not transformed in
- Notifications for new craps don't work (for the other sections I've not testet)
line 185 one additional bracket
line 517 one additional comment-sign
the definition of fieldset and legend overwrite the ones from the default-theme
ok so long. I will try to put them in sourceforge too.
greetings, volker