these are queries i got in debug when enabling global notifications in catads for admin (uid =1 ofc):
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM U39uxs_session WHERE sess_id = '77656ccbf6d1a2961f21accf8e7c7614'
( 0.023843)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_users u, U39uxs_user_profile p WHERE u.uid = p.profileid AND uid = '1' LIMIT 0, 1
( 0.004991)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE dirname = 'catads'
( 0.000412)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '91') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000458)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000414)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_group_permission WHERE (gperm_modid = '1' AND gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2))
( 0.00031)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE (hasadmin = '1' AND isactive = '1' AND mid IN (1,2,23,5,6,9,12,95,94,21,18,57,54,32,33,34,36,91,51,78,79,81,82,85)) ORDER BY name ASC
( 0.000389)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_group_permission WHERE (gperm_modid = '1' AND gperm_name = 'system_admin' AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2))
( 0.000457)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_configcategory WHERE confcat_modid IN (57,5,21,85,78,91,36,12,82,18,32,81,1,51,6,34,79,9,23,33,54)
( 0.000405)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE dirname = 'glossaries'
( 0.000412)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '85') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000466)
SELECT categoryID, name FROM U39uxs_lxcategories02
( 0.000432)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE dirname = 'lexikon'
( 0.000398)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '78') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000415)
SELECT categoryID, name FROM U39uxs_lxcategories
( 0.000405)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE uid = '1'
( 0.000298)
SELECT groupid, name FROM U39uxs_groups ORDER BY name ASC
( 0.000406)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE dirname = 'news'
Queries core
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM U39uxs_session WHERE sess_id = '77656ccbf6d1a2961f21accf8e7c7614'
( 0.000476)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_users u, U39uxs_user_profile p WHERE u.uid = p.profileid AND uid = '1' LIMIT 0, 1
( 0.000534)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE dirname = 'catads'
( 0.00036)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '91') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000457)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '1' AND conf_catid = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000319)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE uid = '1'
( 0.000225)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_group_permission WHERE (gperm_modid = '1' AND gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_groupid IN (1,2))
( 0.00032)
SELECT DISTINCT i.instanceid, b.*, i.* FROM U39uxs_block_instance i, U39uxs_newblocks b, U39uxs_block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=i.instanceid AND i.instanceid IN (17,58,42,127,54,87,134,100,84,85,111,106,113,129,128,115,126,118,122) AND i.visible=1 AND AND b.isactive=1 AND ( (m.module_id=0 AND m.pageid=0) OR (m.module_id=91 AND m.pageid IN (0,0)) ) ORDER BY i.weight,i.instanceid
( 0.000432)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_xoopsnotifications WHERE (not_modid = '91' AND not_category = 'global' AND not_uid = '1')
( 0.00061)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE mid = 91
( 0.000319)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE uid = '1'
( 0.000179)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE dirname = 'xbs_tags'
( 0.000501)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_config WHERE (conf_modid = '33') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
( 0.000411)
select id from U39uxs_tags_index where tags_fname = '/modules/catads/index.php'
( 0.000298)
select * from U39uxs_tags_index where id = 4
( 0.000353)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE mid = 7
( 0.000346)
Total Number of Queries: 17 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0.00614
Queries module
DELETE FROM U39uxs_protector_access WHERE expire < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
( 0.000308)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_protector_access WHERE ip='' AND request_uri='/modules/catads/index.php'
( 0.00038)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_protector_access WHERE ip=''
( 0.000273)
INSERT INTO U39uxs_protector_access SET ip='',request_uri='/modules/catads/index.php',expire=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()+'60'
( 0.000398)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE waiting = '1'
( 0.000203)
SELECT cat_id, count(*) FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE (waiting = '0' AND published < '1229857231' AND expired > '1229857231') GROUP BY cat_id
( 0.000659)
SELECT cat_id, count(*) FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE (published > '1229598031' AND waiting = '0' AND expired > '1229857231' AND published < '1229857231') GROUP BY cat_id
( 0.000429)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_cat ORDER BY weight
( 0.000272)
SELECT cat_id, pid FROM U39uxs_catads_cat
( 0.000238)
SELECT cat_id, title, img FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid = 0 ORDER BY weight
( 0.000301)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid =1 ORDER BY weight
( 0.000229)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid =2 ORDER BY weight
( 0.000254)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid =3 ORDER BY weight
( 0.000262)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE (waiting = '0' AND published < '1229857231' AND expired > '1229857231')
( 0.000411)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_ads WHERE (waiting = '0' AND published < '1229857231' AND expired > '1229857231') ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 0, 10
( 0.000834)
Total Number of Queries: 15 | Total SQL Generation Time: 0.00545
Queries block
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_modules WHERE dirname = 'pm'
( 0.000307)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM U39uxs_priv_msgs WHERE (read_msg = '0' AND to_userid = '1')
( 0.00025)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_smiles
( 0.000442)
SELECT cat_id, title FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid=0 ORDER BY title
( 0.000331)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid=2 ORDER BY title
( 0.000349)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid=3 ORDER BY title
( 0.000335)
SELECT * FROM U39uxs_catads_cat WHERE pid=1 ORDER BY title
( 0.000364)
Im not sure how to see what queries are used in debug for table xoopsnotifications tho.