BlueStocking wrote:
Use the filter and forget about the rest. We are adults, not two year olds. What is appropiate context to me may not be to you. I want to know what people think, not just what they are allowed to think.
No judgement calls, just rules that apply across the board.
then...Moderators will remove any work arounds for the seven forbidden words...
most of us are adults, children may happen by this website as well.
second, some language may not be appropriate for a business environment. Can you picture the poor schmuck trying to sell his boss on the benefits of Xoops, opening the support site only to find foul language. it could be just one word. It doesn't matter how good the support is,or how great of a CMS that XOOPS is, that one word, doesn't matter what it is, will stick out like a sore thumb. XOOPS lost. Been there, not fun.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.