Re: BF2 Server Status Module...
  • 2005/8/29 14:34

  • Arowana

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Will this module work with COD or CODUO when you are done with it?


Re: BF2 Server Status Module...

ATM, this module only works for BF2. I doubt it would be hard to make it work for cod though. It might be something to look at down the line, but for right now, I am only looking at the BF2 game.

Re: BF2 Server Status Module...

I have a question for you guys. I've got an sql statement here that doesn't seem to populate the database correctly. What am I doing wrong?

$time $time+1;
$hostname $data[hostname];
$playerscore $player[score];
$playerdeaths $player[deaths];
$playerskill $player[skill];
$playergoal $player[goal];
$playerhonor $player[honor];
$playerleader $player[leader];
$playerping $player[ping];
$playerteam $player[team];
$playerstats $player[stats];
$playertime $player[time];
$playerskin $player[skin];
$playerhash $player[hash];
$playerpid $player[pid];
$gameserver_ip $data[ip];
$gameserver_port $data[port];
$q mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("bf2query_players")." WHERE p_name='$playername'");

                if (
mysql_num_rows($q)==0) {
// if not, create dummy entry
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$xoopsDB->prefix("bf2query_players")." SET p_time='$playertime', p_s_ip='$gameserver_ip', p_name='$playername', p_s_name='$hostname', p_s_port='$gameserver_port', p_score='$playerscore', p_deaths='$playerdeaths', p_skill='$playerskill', p_goal='$playergoal', p_honor='$playerhonor', p_leader='$playerleader', p_ping='$playerping', p_team='$playerteam', p_stats='$playerstats', p_skin='$playerskin', p_hash='$playerhash', p_pid='$playerpid', p_s_time='$time'");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$xoopsDB->prefix("bf2query_player_info")." SET p_time='$playertime', p_s_ip='$gameserver_ip', p_name='$playername', p_s_name='$hostname', p_s_port='$gameserver_port', p_score='$playerscore', p_deaths='$playerdeaths', p_skill='$playerskill', p_goal='$playergoal', p_honor='$playerhonor', p_leader='$playerleader', p_ping='$playerping', p_team='$playerteam', p_stats='$playerstats', p_skin='$playerskin', p_hash='$playerhash', p_pid='$playerpid', p_s_time='$time' WHERE p_name='$playername'");

And as always, many many thanks to all that help!

Re: BF2 Server Status Module...
  • 2005/9/11 14:52

  • Baker

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  • Since: 2005/9/9 1

How is this project this going on? I am waiting with great anticipation =)

Re: BF2 Server Status Module...

Things are going very well right now. In order for this module to work properly, cron jobs need to be setup to update the player portion of it though. Currently there are approx. 6928 servers (+/-) that have to be parsed. I broke that particular function down into 14 different files that take care of 500 servers per file. By breaking the amount of servers down to 500 per file, the time that it takes to parse the server list should be less, and the chance of your script timing out shouldn't be a factor. By using a cronjob, I have found that each server parse takes approx. 10 min or less to complete its task. I set my cron job up so that each file will run 10 after the previous one. It seems to work just fine that way. I also setup a mail function in each of the files to email the admin once the script finishes.

I am still working on fine tuning alot of the different functions of the module, what I want, and what I don't want/need. Here is a pic of the latest version of the admin section for the module.

Resized Image

This module is going to take some time to perfect, as I haven't even began to work on the actual templates yet. Gamespy decided to block all means of accessing the automatic server list. I was using the Gamespy class that I found on kquery.com to retrieve the list and dump the active servers into my database, but for now, I am relying on a static list of server ip's and ports. This is still my biggest concern ATM.

Updates to come.....

Don't forget about checking out the site....

login with demo/demo to check it out. With that account, you don't have access to anything but bf2query.

Re: BF2 Server Status Module...

Hola people!!

Another update on the BF2Status module. I am still working on the module hot and heavy. I just completed the DSSG. (Dynamic Stats Signature Generator). What it does is when you do a search for a person, it grabs their pid from the database and sends it to the image generator. It then returns the image with the default stats theme. Now, the cool thing about this is that there are going to be about 20 different sig themes that you can choose from when you generate your own personal stats sig. This option is only available when you generate the sig for yourself. You cannot specify a specific theme for the returned players when you search for them, at least not yet.

Here is a screenshot of the DSSG in action. Also, this screenshot includes some of the newer features that I have just made available.

Resized Image

It is still far from done, and not even close for a beta test yet.

One thing, When generating the stats image, I need to be able to write the image to the server and have it store there for at least the cache length time. I need to be able to generate code that will allow me and probably anyone using bb code to add the image to their sig. Right now the way that the generator works is like this. http://www.bf2online.com:8080/sigs/sig.php?id=43378148&theme=usmc-sniper <= this being my personal bf2 pid.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to where I could find code that would allow me to store the generated image locally?

Re: BF2 Server Status Module...

Nevermind about the storage of the image locally. I figured it out. The htaccess file has a rewrite section in it that does it. I didn't read enough of the original forum post to gather that. Duh.... So in saying that, you will be able to generate your sig by simply typing http://www.bf2online.com:8080/sigs/yourbf2pid.png

I am also going to make some serious changes to the module, as in breaking up the index page into multipal pages, so that it aids in processing time.

Anyway, thats all I have for now.....

Re: BF2 Server Status Module...
  • 2005/10/2 15:52

  • AWDMolitov

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 23

  • Since: 2005/8/14

any updates?

Re: BF2 Server Status Module...

Hi all, there are a few updates as of late. I haven't been able to work on it as much as I have liked the past few weeks. Real life gets in the way some times. But that aside, I have added the ability to track specific players. I have also tweaked the siggenerator.php file quite a bit. I will also be including several different templates, no themes, but templates. You can check out the progress by simply joining up for an account at bf2online.com.


Re: BF2 Server Status Module...
  • 2005/12/5 18:10

  • birdie

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2005/12/5

can someone tell me how u are actually accessing the ea servers using mysql? is it open for anyone or somethin?


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