I did all the above steps except the redirects as that is not an issue for us. At first the login worked fine with IE but Firefox gave everyone the security warning seen earlier in this thread. When I did the steps to eliminate that problem Firefox worked perfectly but with IE when you get to the last step on the login process (the close button), the popbox does not close and the main window does not refresh (show you logged in). I can close the popup window and refresh the main page manually and I'll be signed in. IE gives me the following error message.
Line: 14
Char: 1
Error: Permision denied
Code: 0
https://www.ourwebsite.org/xoopsdir/misc.php? action=showpopups&type=ssllogin
Here is the begining including line 14 of our misc.php
include "mainfile.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/language/'.$xoopsConfig['language'].'/misc.php';
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? trim($_GET['action']) : '';
$action = isset($_POST['action']) ? trim($_POST['action']) : $action;
$type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : '';
$type = isset($_POST['type']) ? trim($_POST['type']) : $type;
if ( $action == "showpopups" ) {
// show javascript close button?
$closebutton = 1;
switch ( $type ) {
case "smilies":
$target = isset($_GET['target']) ? trim($_GET['target']) : '';
if ($target == '' || !preg_match('/^[0-9a-z_]*$/i', $target)) {
} else {
echo "
I've seen this same behavior before as well, but I don't know how to fix it :(