I've opened an
issue on GitHub to make sure we get that readme.txt updated. Thanks for pointing that out!
In the mean time, changing the two function declarations as follows should clear up any errors that might show up.
// The code parser
public function load($ts)
// Processing the text
public static function decode($text, $width, $height)
You don't have to do anything with the extra parameters to decode, they just have to be there to satisfy the inheritance rules set from the parent class.
SMEDrieben wrote:
In previous Xoops-version, I made an additonal TextSanitizer extension according to the readme.txt:
It now generates an message:
Onbekend: Declaration of MytsRef::decode() should be compatible with MyTextSanitizerExtension::decode($url, $width, $height) in bestand /class/textsanitizer/ref/ref.php regel 28
How can I solve this message ?