I apologize for all the confusion I discovered it is not the version of xoops I am using it is in the theme that is placing custom below module.
Serenity Orange Theme: a great html5 theme that I am loving working with my next step is to figure out wht and how to change it (I am a bigginer)
Thank you all for your help
If anyone is interested in the fix centerzone.html file I changed contents.htm from above center block in the row-fluid zone to below center_right and it seems to work ok now I will do further testing and Ihope this is the fix
<{if $xoBlocks.canvas_left && $xoBlocks.canvas_right}>
<{elseif $xoBlocks.canvas_left}>
<{elseif $xoBlocks.canvas_right}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/tpl/centerBlock.html"}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/tpl/centerLeft.html"}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/tpl/centerRight.html"}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/tpl/xoops-contents.html"}>