I'm no programmer, so I can't answer that. The code that generates the wrong date format seems to be this, in post.php and in admin/event.php:
// If the date format is wrong
$_POST['event_start']['date']) ||
$_POST['event_end']['date'])) {
redirect_header('index.php', 3, _MD_EXTCAL_WRONG_DATE_FORMAT."
', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getErrors()));
This seems to simply test whether the numbers used in the date are correct. That shouldn't be causing the problem.
I have been working on the assumption that the problem is in the way the date is written, either 2010/2/14 or 2010-02-14 but manually entering it in either format produces the error. I'm beginning to wonder if this might be a field type mismatch. In other words, when one uses the drop down calendar, does that enter the date as the same field type as when one types it in manually? Using the drop down calendar is the only way the date will be accepted.
BTW, I posted this twice inadvertently so deleted the content of the previous message. This one was clearer.