i send a pm to myself and save a copy in the outbox...
If the receiver delete the message, it's deleted from the senders outbox.
Both things are wrong!
How it works in 2.2.x and should work:
When a message is created and sended it is saved in the outbox and appears in the inbox of the destinator.
If you select save at sending, the message is also saved in your SAVEBOX.
At any time you can copy a message from your in- or outbox to your savebox.
A sended message is deleted in the database when the sender deletes it from its outbox and the recipient deletes it from its inbox.
Any message in either box can be used to start a message with.
Messages of the savebox are deleted in the database when the owner deletes them.
Before messages can be sended (and as a consequence added to the outbox) the system verifies if you are not overdrawing the limit of maximum number of posts (sum in all three boxes).
The administrator can prune the in- and outboxes by date.