Some information about XOOPS trademark :
(905195) XOOPS
(151) Date of the registration
(111) Number
(180) Expected expiration date of the registration/renewal
(171) Expected duration of the registration
(732) Name and address of the holder of the registration
Stichting Xoops
Grote Overstraat 23 B
NL-7411 JA Deventer (NL)
(812) Contracting State or Contracting Organization in the territory of which the holder has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment
(842) Legal nature of the holder (legal entity) and State, and, where applicable, territory within that State where the legal entity is organized
Foundation The Netherlands
(740) Name and address of the representative
Onel Trademarks
Postbus 5054
NL-1380 GB Weesp (NL)
(540) Mark
(541) Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters
Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters
(511) The International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) and the list of goods and services classified according thereto
09 Software among other things for the purpose of creating websites, internal company websites, corporate portals, weblogs and similar applications.
Logiciels, entre autres, pour la création de sites Web, sites Web internes d'entreprises, portails d'entreprises, blogues et pour d'autres applications similaires.
Software de diseño de sitios Web, sitios Web internos de empresas, portales de empresas, blogs y aplicaciones similares.
35 Processing and managing of data files among other things for the purpose of intersites; managing of computer databases.
Traitement et gestion de fichiers de données, entre autres, pour intersites; gestion de bases de données informatiques.
Procesamiento y gestión de archivos de datos, entre otras cosas, para "intersites"; gestión de bases de datos informáticas.
42 Designing and developing software; offering access to software through the Internet.
Conception et développement de logiciels; fourniture d'accès à des logiciels par le biais du réseau Internet.
Diseño y desarrollo de software; provisión de acceso a software por Internet.
(821) Basic application
BX, 17.10.2006, 1121144
(822) Basic registration
BX, 23.10.2006, 809832
(300) Data relating to priority under the Paris Convention and other data relating to registration of the mark in the country of origin
BX, 17.10.2006, 1121144
(831) Designations under the Madrid Agreement
(832) Designations under the Madrid Protocol
(527) Indications regarding use requirements