^^not sure about that.
The latest
Gerrica Wrote:
I see you posted my letter on xoops. Very mature. It probably accounts for the juvenile nature of your work.
As always, I had a smarta$$ response

It is open source... While your apparent detest for our work is obvious. No one forced you to use it. All themes are designed and tested with XOOPS 2.0.16. If you are having trouble using any of our releases, we would have been happy to provide support at absolutely no charge to you. However, you chose to harass and attempted to belittle. If anyone here is immature, I assure you it is not on this end of the line.
I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time with our themes. I wish you the best of luck in finding similar free work in the future. There are plenty of excellent theme developers that you can annoy, instead of us.
Also, I see that you did not register with this email on mrtheme.com. Until you reveal your identity in an open manner I will not bother responded to any more of your messages.
This has been an absolute delight, have a great day.
I gotta tell ya, if I had a grudge against someone. I certainly would not hide it.
We should all make lists of the people that we don't like here at XOOPS.org. We might as well get it out in the open. LMAO!