Hello Mithrandir and thank you for your reply,
Between the very nice discussion with wizanda and some other comments we lost the focus of the subject.
Xoops deliveries a ready to go web site and it uses the templates to mount the structure of this site. Today I already have this structure. A well and nicelly done tableless design. It has menus, brings the info from the database. I have an example page here:
http://www.freecodesource.com/fcsv2/main.php - this is just a dummy page but it simulates what I want to explain.
All the user social interactivity to the site, I want to be handled by xoops. Login, ratings of the content, membership, pools, forums, you name it. In other words, when the user login into the site it is actually using XOOPS interface to login. Then, after the a succesful login, the user, depending on its location would interact differently with the site, like posting comments, rating things, posting layouts or images and so on. All this interactivity that is not common to XOOPS would be developed as modules on xoops.
In other words I would need to contruct a template that would not need to consider columns to place the blocks from xoops, but to place only in the main part of the site.
Please let me know if you got my point.
Thank you and all the best,
Rom Pereira