How interesting to find out one more. Since others do not and cannot replicate or reproduce the problem, we need to work togather to hunt more and offer more details of the bug that may throw light to phppp.
Well, could you de-activate WordPress and make wfchannel work without problems? Did you also try vise-versa, i.e. let WordPress active and deactivate wf-channel?
I was not able to check this on the profile as it is on a live site and could not de-activate profile module.
Could you please also get the debug output? I beleive that smarty debug would not help. maybe php-debug could throw some light. MySQL debug does NOT appear as there is a module (core or wordpress?) function crash.
Things common between us is that you have XOOPS Core 2.2.4 (I assume, or? Confirm) and wordpress. What else? Whats your mysql, php versions, etc...That you can find from wordpress module, like I published in my earlier post...