The permission issue is an interesting one.
I confess to not having scratched the surface of 2.2 yet. But in general, I think permission management is a greatly under appreciated topic. It becomes worse, and worse, and worse the more groups and modules you add to your site.
It would be terrific if there were a centralized, easy to manage interface for all the permissions in all the modules, so you didn't have to go to into each module's unique permissions area to configure every aspect of your site. This is certainly a non-trivial challenge, since there are very good reasons why different modules take different approaches to organizing and presenting their permissions. So how to integrate them all in a common interface? I don't know, but we will be thinking about that more and more as the number of groups in our largest XOOPS site tops 100!
At least a page where you could get an overview of each group's permissions in each module, even if you had to go to the module to modify things, that would be an improvement. Maybe that's the way to start.