Re: Module request - mySQL table front end?

For the demo at the link you provided:

User: demo Pass: demo

For the latest on Noah or xdb, I think this is the place to watch... the last post there (Dec 04) says they are hoping for a release in March 2005.


In playing with the demo, it appears you can create and edit data sources using either the database "metaphor" or "notion"... or using RDF (which I am less practiced at, but, which I believe to be the latest and greatest in working with data, and often spoken of in relation to XML). This is the Content Builder.

So, if you are more familiar with the database notion of records and fields, it appears you can work with data that way.

Content Architect presumably lets you create your application (query, reports, filters, etc.) but, I have not made it that far.

Formulize looks interesting, as well... happy to know it's available.

Re: Module request - mySQL table front end?
  • 2005/3/9 9:15

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

I posted some screen grabs of NoAh's MySQL interface in this thread here.


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