I have three good reasons for proposing to include in future releases of the core,
these two methods I've already added, im attached with two rows, in the module TDMCreate (see const_xoops_version.php):
1° File, include/currency.inc.php in arrays to be called with:
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/currency.inc.php';
2° file, but exists with other mime added, include/mimetypes.php in arrays to be called with:
//Uploads : mimetypes '.$structure_champs[0].'
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/mimetypes.inc.php';
$modversion["config"][$i]["name"] = "'.$structure_champs[0].'_mimetypes";
$modversion["config"][$i]["title"] = "'.$language.'_MIMETYPES";
$modversion["config"][$i]["description"] = "'.$language.'_MIMETYPES_DESC";
$modversion["config"][$i]["formtype"] = "select_multi";
$modversion["config"][$i]["valuetype"] = "array";
$modversion["config"][$i]["default"] = array("image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png");
$modversion["config"][$i]["options"] = $mimetypes;
3° In the Basic Module Pack, add all the icons of all kinds as possible, and as I have already changed, the latest versions of the module TDMCreate, are automatically included in the list in selectbox, modules and tables.