Serap wrote:
I have strong guess abt the person who did it and I believe he's a moderator here
I assume you're refering to me?
That's a pretty strong accusation to be making in public and I will be very upset if you're referring to me after I spent hours trying to help you a few evenings ago.
For the record and so everyone knows, I did see the details contained in your mainfile.php (db username, db password, etc) when we were trying to install protector on your site so yeah, I suppose I could have hacked your site.
1. I don't know where your site is hosted
2. I don't know the hosting account username and password nor the FTP username
3. I'm not interested in hacking anyone's website and condemn those who do
4. I'm not clever enough to do what you describe, neither do I have the tools
5. I deleted your emails the same day that we were chatting; I no longer have your mainfile.php information
You've seen my website. Compare the contents of it and the nature of the organisation that I run it for. Is it in anyway comparable with the content of the spam emails?
Rather than make wild accousations, ask your ISP for the server access logs for week in which your site was hacked. Look for the IP address from where the hacking took place; look for someone uploading a file of some sort.
I'm on a fixed IP address: - any of the admins on here can check my recent posts (like this one) and confirm this. Search your access logs for this IP address - you won't find it because I haven't visited your site except, perhaps on the day that we were trying to install protector because I was interested.
My IP address will have changed about a week ago when I rebooted my wireless router. However, if you put my IP address into ip-adress.com you'll see that it's based in Dudley, UK.
I'm really disappointed if your post was aimed at me. All I've ever done on here is try to help people.
I'm out of here. Goodbye.