newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?

using newbb CBB Version 3.08
how do i assign Moderators to different sections of the boards?

Like i have a group i crated

and i want them to have moderator access to one of the FORUMS in the main forum.

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?
  • 2008/4/11 7:47

  • Anonymous

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Not sure that what you want is possible, i.e. setting a user-group to have moderating access.

I think (but hope to be proved wrong!) that only individual users can be set as a moderator.

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?

individuals should work fine as well

how do i assign a user to moderator?

i cant seem to figure that out oddly enough

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?
  • 2008/4/11 12:09

  • Anonymous

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Login and go to the admin panel.

Mouse-over the "Forums" icon and select "Forums" from the popup menu. You should then see a list of your Forums within their catagories.

Click on the edit icon for the forum for which you wish to assign moderator rights. Towards the bottom of the form you should see the part for assigning moderators. Select those users that you wish to moderate this particular Forum. Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard to make multiple selections.


Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?

ahh there inlies the problem my friend.
i see that little box with a SINGLE name in it
Its my username and no others.

so how do i add a name to it?
So i need to goto each username and set them as a MODERATOR rank?

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?
  • 2008/4/11 16:45

  • Anonymous

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antifmradio wrote:

ahh there inlies the problem my friend.
i see that little box with a SINGLE name in it
Its my username and no others.

Hmmmm........ mine has a list of all my site's users in it, i.e. members of the "Registered Users" group.

How many users do you have in this group...... all your users?

antifmradio wrote:

so how do i add a name to it?
So i need to goto each username and set them as a MODERATOR rank?

Hmmm...... let me have a look at some code..... I'll get back to you

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?

yea im not finding the settings anywhere
i must have done it ONCE because i assigned the other WEBMASTER to moderate one of the forums but i dont even know how

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?

nothing? anyone?

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?
  • 2008/5/10 0:10

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

Are you using Firefox?... 'cos I had a really weird problem with CBB 3.04 and browsers.

Having said that, I believe there is also a module pref to set in CBB to enable forum moderation.
A thread is for life. Not just for Christmas.

Re: newbb CBB Version 3.08 setting up Moderators?

yea all this info doesnt help me at all
i am looking at the EDIT FORM page for a specific forum i created
and i see a list of moderators ( myself only )
but there is no way of adding anyone to the list

i cant click LIST
i cant click USERS
because neither of these things exist

how can i add a person to the moderators section?
i must have done it before because there are TWO mods for one of the forums and i have no idea how i did that


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