I'm just wondering.. I downloaded and installed the WF-Sections, and I think the module is wonderful!
I did, however, see a post regarding security issues in the version 2.01, I believe, that I have.
I see there is a new version out, I am not a programmer, but I follow directions well as to modifying something if I have to... but I have asked a couple of questions regarding a couple of problems I am currently having with the wf-sections version on my site, and have not received a response.
I asked these questions in the wf developers forum, and I have asked 1 other here, and so I guess I just really want to find out if there is any support for this module anymore before I decide to upgrade to the version 2.0.7?
This module has so many features that I need, but there are some problems that I am having with it that need to be addressed, even if someone responded to me saying that what I was encountering is a bug that is fixed in a soon-to-come version... I don't care, but I just want to make sure that I don't incorporate this into my site and can't get help if I run into any problems.
Please note- In no way am I disrespecting anything or anyone here. The person/team who designed anything and everything here, knows a heck of a lot more than I will probably ever know, and I appreciate all the hard work.. But if I knew tomorrow that XOOPS was going to discontinue their work on the XOOPS in general- I couldn't continue to use the XOOPS script, due to my lack of programming knowledge.
Thank you all for your efforts in this project... if someone wouldn't mind letting me know, regarding the WF modules.. are these being supported?
OOPS! Real quick and maybe I'll go ahead and post my question again:
If you go to my site, you can see the link on the left that says RATE & REVIEW- if you click on that it displays one of my reviews, the top dropdown link... which comes up as article does not exist when it is clicked on. When I scroll over it, it is showing as articleid=0. I have tried everything I can think of to get that article in the main menu to stop showing up-
Any way of disabling this from showing up at all in my menu? I just want the topics/categories to show up there. Possibly something I need to do in MySQL database?
2nd question... I am entering my html coding in as I would to tinyd for my rate & review articles in the WF-Section, and the text that I enter in ends up showing up very tiny. when the link is clicked on and displayed in real-time.
Is there a section that I can change the size of how the text is displaying to the public in WF-Sections?
Again.. thanks for all you guys do- once I go live with my site, you WILL be receiving a donation from me for your work.