Hi folks,
I did a clean 2.0.7 install today and the installation went off without a hitch.
When I tried to access my site for the first time, I realized I couldn't log on as admin user. I created a normal user, but no luck either. I just get redirected to the the login page again. If I try to access the /admin directory directly, it of course displays an error message ("You don't have the right to access this area") and tries to re-direct me to the login page again wich fails because it dosen't know where I came from. That should be the out of the box behavior I suppose.
I went to the forum and did some digging but the stuff that turned up didn't fix my problem. I guess my server conf would be of help here:
OS: GNU/Linux
Httpd: Apache 2.0.49
PHP: 4.3.6
Since I've read that the standard Apache 2.x conf does fine for Xoops, this should be out of the question.
Here some settings from my php.ini
safe_mode = on
register_globals = off
session.autostart = 0
session.entropy_length = 16
session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom
session.use_trans_sid = 0
I'm also using output buffering and zlib compression but that shouldn't be a problem I believe.
What I did so far:
I've set the value for debug_mode in the conf table to true, to catch error messages but that didn't help. Seems like that problem dosen't raise an error
I've chmod'ed all files that don't need write access by the webserver to 644.
I've chmod'ed all directories that don't need write access by the webserver to 755
I've chmod'ed all directories that need write access by the webserver to 777
I've chmod'ed all files that need write access by the webserver to 666
That's all.
I'm looking forward to your replies as I grow more impatient by the minute