Hi -
One of the things I did when I was getting annoyed writing blocks, was write a debug block. It's just about the simplest block you can do, so there's very little to go wrong. I can start by installing it, then I can make sure I have everything right for the simple case. Then I can add code from my real block, until I can see what causes a problem.
Note that while I was just off cleaning this up, it was not showing up for me, even after repeated reloads of the module. I uninstalled the module, and re-installed it, and there it was. So try that, too.
Here are the parts of my block:
from xoops_version.php:
$modversion['blocks'][1]['file'] = "debugblock.php";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['name'] = "Bookstore: Debug Block";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['description'] = "Only used for debugging";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['show_func'] = "b_bookstore_debug";
$modversion['blocks'][1]['template'] = 'bookstore_debug.html';
Start your block indexes at 1, not zero.!
And this forum keeps changing the code I'm posting below for debugblock.php. It keeps turning my urls in debugblock.php into a hyperlink.
So when copying and pasting the section below, make sure you paste the code below as text, not HTML. the values in the array should just be
h t t p : //
http://www.worldware.com, and not
a href h t t p: //
http://www.worldware.comNote to XOOPS team: things within code blocks should not be altered. That's a bug!
function b_bookstore_debug()
$sites = array
"xoops.org" => "https://xoops.org",
"worldware.com" => "http://www.worldware.com"
$block = array();
$link = array();
foreach ($sites as $site => $url)
$link['site'] = $site;
$link['url'] = $url;
$block['links'][] = $link;
return $block;
<div class="blockContent">
<table border="3">
<{foreach item=link from=$block.links}>
<td><a href="<{$link.url}>"><{$link.site}>a>td>