Thnx for the quick answer mCity.
Yes I've done this, I changed the sanitizer file to :
function makeTboxData4Show($text, $smiley=0)
$text = $this->htmlSpecialChars($text);
$text =& $this->xoopsCodeDecode($text, 0);//Added by Chad HHTS Multilingual Titles
return $text;
function makeTboxData4Edit($text)
return $this->htmlSpecialChars($text);
function makeTboxData4Preview($text, $smiley=0)
$text = $this->stripSlashesGPC($text);
$text = $this->htmlSpecialChars($text);
$text =& $this->xoopsCodeDecode($text, 0);//Added by Chad HHTS Multilingual Titles
return $text;
I also changed the database : xoops_topics to varchar:255
I made no changes to Imenu (a little further on in this post) because I can't find Imenu ?