@Jamescne, I got you message.
Sorry for not responding the post in time.
Modifying xoops_version.php would be a solution but the
right way is
https://xoops.org.cn/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=1574FAQ re NewBB blocks could be:
With NewBB 2.0 you can add blocks on-fly as following.
1 Enter 'Administration Menu'=>"block admin"=>"Add new block"
2 In the "Add a new block":
2.1 Block Type: choose anyone as you prefer
2.2 Weight: input any valid value as you prefer
2.3 Visible: select any one as you prefer
2.4 Visible in: set any one as you prefer
2.5 Title: input any valid text as you prefer
2.6 Content:
include_once(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/newbb/blocks/newbb_block.php');
$options = "time|10|*|0|1|1|2|3|4|5|6";
// options[0] - Citeria valid: time(by default)
// options[1] - NumberToDisplay: any positive integer
// options[2] - reserved
// options[3] - DisplayMode: 0-full view;1-compact view;2-lite view
// options[4] - Display Navigator: 1 (by default), 0 (No)
// options[5] - SelectedForumIDs: null for all
2.7 Content Type: MUSTBE "PHP Script"
2.8 Cache lifetime: choose any one as you prefer
2.9 Preview, Submit: press any one as you prefer, BE SURE press at least one time "submit" before leaving block admin
You could add any type of blocks following the same way