QA Team Action List StatusI'm making this topic sticky and locked, and will keep it updated. To discuss any of the content in this post, please post in another topic (preferred) or PM me.
Action item #1: Write a smoketest for a module.
The module should be a common one that's widely used and understood. The smoketest doesn't have to be perfect; it's just a starting point. After it's drafted, we'll evaluate it and discuss it.
Who is working on this: MarcoFr (task leader)
Target date for completion: 2005-02-23
Status: 0% complete
Action item #2: Review the General Module Development Standards in the
Dev Wiki, and specify what changes, if any, are needed before incorporating them as part of the (proposed) QA certification process.
Who is working on this: Dave_L (task leader), rowdie, irmtfan
Target date for completion: 2005-02-23
Status: 0% complete
Action Item #3: Define smoketest platforms.
This would be a part of a generic smoketest template that all modules being tested would use.
Who is working on this: Brash (task leader), hyperpod
Target date for completion: 2005-02-23
Status: 0% complete
Action Item #4: List of terminology
Define which areas require 'standard' terms. UI buttons - 'Submit' c.f. 'Send' for example. Next would be translation of these.
Who is working on this: daddystu (task leader), jensclas, jorgebarrero
Target date for completion: 2005-02-30
Status: 60% complete