I am an application programmer, a relative newbie to xoops/php, and I probably only rate a 3 (out of ten) in terms of my understanding of the internals of xoops, and my php programming capabilities. I need particular XOOPS functionality for a project I am working on, similar to functionality I have in another development environment, but I have not found any published module that addresses all my needs. I am willing to finance the development of the module I need, subject to the module being released to the general community as an available module for xoops, under the standard license. The financing can be to the XOOPS coder directly, to xoops.org as a contribution, or a combination of both. I am looking for a *very* experienced developer to do this project, which must be compatible with (but not require) smarty templates, and XOOPS 2.1.1 and above.
The basics of the module have to do with generating "wizard"-like html screens in an application, for use mainly with handheld devices that support html display on small screens, although support for standard monitors is also required; the generated screens have to support dynamically generated css, a set of standard DHTML functions using javascript to communicate in an event-oriented fashion with php scripts on the back-end, manipulation of a MySQL data table associated with the application, and so on. A complete functional description will be available to experienced developers who wish to quote on this project.
The nearest XOOPS module I have found to what I am looking for is
No-Ah (
http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?xdb), but the paradigm it uses does not quite meet my needs. A useful class that partially met my needs is found at
http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/2251.html, but I am looking for a comprehensive solution that will reduce my XOOPS coding efforts in the future.
If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me or to reply to this post. Let me know how experienced you are in XOOPS 2.x module development - I do not think this project is suitable for newbies, at least not for me!