additional newsblock with short text of news needed?
  • 2004/12/4 14:16

  • studioC

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 922

  • Since: 2003/12/7

i use a hack to display additional blocks with short text of my news very often and was asked how i did this ... (its a small thing which you can install as a modul)

so here it is:
.. for all who ever wanted to have some additional blocks with short text of your news instead of links to them and forgot to read "how to clone" blocks (or modules?) ...
(hope that i read and understand correct)

I have included 3 blocks (one to show all news and 2 to show news in topics) . You may add more or clone other, this is just the way i did to statisfy my needs to show short text of news on every page in block i need!

I put a div class="xf_block" around each block (foreach) and put an example in readme.txt how to add this small lines in your cssfile to make it look like you want so please read readme! Thanks to all involved in this! If you want to help updating, correcting or translating this little (but helpful) thing, you're envited!

This is a hack from a theme dabbler and perhaps not the way a coder will do to get similar result. If in doubt, please try on a test page first.

Here is the link to download
ZIP and TAR file ...


edit: This seems to run with news 1 and 1.2
edit 2: See it in action on http://xoopsfactory.de in center position ...

Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?

Thanks StudioC. Installing and checking out now.

Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?
  • 2004/12/4 18:49

  • studioC

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 922

  • Since: 2003/12/7

thanks for checking. any comments are sure helpful. thanks


Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?

I installed and used it default, the all news block. Had a problem with the title text that wrapped overlapping. Tried to fix it with my style CSS but no luck.

Not experienced enough to know what to change I guess.

Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?
  • 2004/12/4 19:11

  • studioC

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 922

  • Since: 2003/12/7

hello jdseymour,

sorry that you have problems with overlapping title but this should be solveable depending on styles you use...

but if you managed to get this problems it sounds to me that there were no problems on installing, blockusage or language descriptions.

if you can't solve your display problem, please give a link to let me have a look at.


Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?

Ok, I got the style mostly done.

I have a couple of problems though.

1. At the bottom of each news story it has "See More, Klick".

I want it to just say "Read More". I cannot find where to change this.

2. Every couple of news items show title but no picture or text. Why is this?

If you reply I will put it on my front page so you can see.

Not quite ready for prime time yet though.

Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?
  • 2004/12/4 20:58

  • studioC

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 922

  • Since: 2003/12/7

hi again

1) change /language/english/blocks.php

define('_MB_READMORE','see more? klick!');

to what you think ... or have a look into templatefile (news_block_all.html) of this "modul" and erase that phrase ..

2) think you are using news_all.php, in blockadmin klick on edit (this block) and play with chars and length of hometext to fit your needs or perhaps test catblock to see if i will display any news.


Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?

Yes, the newsblock cats worked perfectly. Thanks.

Great module BTW.

Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?

Ok, finished it with the cat block, moved it to the front page. Take a look and see if it looks OK.

The only change I made other than style.css edit was to change that string of test that I mentioned to "Read More..."

This would make a good item in the fact about news excerpts on the front page questions.

Thanks again.

Re: additional newsblock with short text of news needed?

Hi StudioC

I probably won't see your reply to this until I get home from work, but one more problem.

I have tried every way I know how to increase the left margins of my images to the text. Now the text is right up against the pictures. I would prefer a 5 to 8px space. Makes it easier to read.

If I just use "img" in the css it changes all images, even the theme templates. I have tried tags inline in the template, and it made no change.

Please give me advice on how to accomplish this.

Also, this is what I originally wanted I am using the cat and cat2 block on my front page. The first with excerpts from my recent articles, and the second with excerpts from my most read articles. 5 articles in each catagory. It works great.


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