Re: Xoops 2.6.0 alpha 3 issues

With the alpha 3 you have to make sure you have composer installed and have it install the necessary packages or you will get this error.

In other words for this alpha version you have to install some libraries prior to installation of xoops. It is mentioned on the github page.

Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: Problem : Password Recovery process

I notice this is in the 2.6 xoops forum. The latest version of Xoops to use is 2.5.6 so please make sure you are only using that version at this time. 2.6 is Alpha and is in constant flux as major upgrades are being made to it on an almost daily basis.

Having said that what version of xoops are you using and what version of profile are you using? Please only use the version of profile that came with the version of xoops you are running. There are other versions floating around by a third party developer that has an issue with quality and you will likely be very frustrated trying to use any of his modules.

Having said all of that I am in progress of making major upgrades to the current Profile module. Richard and I have found some issues with the current version and I will be making some major updates to hopefully make it more stable and secure. Please watch out for a release coming soon of this. My semester is coming to an end which will allow me much more time but I am hoping to have an updated profile module available by middle of December. This will not be the full rewrite I have talked about in other posts but my work done on this now will be helpful in that future venture.
Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.

Re: INSERT Error in PDdownloads

I am not by my computer but it is a simple act to move things in most cases.

You will need to update the file paths in your mainfile.php and/or secure.php files.

Since I am not at my computer I don't recall if the secure.php file only contains the database connection information or also the filepath stuff. In any case it is in one of the two locations.

The secure.php file can be found in xoops_lib or xoops_data I don't recall which.

Beyond that you will need to delete your cache files and those are in your xoops_data folder. You will find 3 cache folders and you need to remove all of the files other than the index.html file.

You will also need to clear the session table in your database to force the system to rebuild them.

Other than that I can't think of anything else you need to do. I don't think file paths are saved anywhere else outside of the cache stuff.

Re: Transfer the content of XNews module to Publisher

Is there an export function in xNews then you can use an import function in Publisher? otherwise look for a conversion option or direct import in Publisher. If there is not an option to do this you may have to dump a copy of the xNews database, modify the entries to line up with Publisher and post them yourself. Does require some simple knowledge of SQL but is not hard.

Re: Help to add a memberGroup test

A short tutorial about the use of $this.
class Foo {
$variable "Do This"
    public static 
$anotherVariable "Do That";
__construct($setVariable) {
$this->variable $setVariable;
self::$anotherVariable $setVariable;
string toString() {
$this->variable self::$anotherVariable;


In this example I show both a class variable and an instance variable.

The class variable in this case is noted with the static keyword and has to be accessed as in this example with the self::$another variable. A class variable is the same variable in every object that uses that class. So if you have 3 different objects of type Foo all three have the same value for $anotherVariable. Changing it in any of the objects will change it in every one. You actually do not need to create an object to use a class variable unless the class is an abstract class. You can NOT use self outside of a class because it will do nothing and will throw an error.

In this example you see an instance variable. This variable only exists when we create an object from this class thus creating an instance. Trying to access it directly from the class will throw an error similar to the one mentioned here. When you use the $this keyword it is refering to the object that contains the function that it resides in. I believe in PHP you HAVE to use $this to access the variable listed here as $variable and it can only be used within the class.

As an example with this class:
$newObject = new Foo();

$newObject->$variable "New value "

Foo::$anotherVariable "Another new Value";


This would output:
New Value Another new Value

So in your code unless it resides within a class you can not use $this. Use the name of the object you are refering to. So in your example if that function is within $xoopsUser the proper way to use it is:
$xoopsUser -> assign('authorised_groups', array (1));

Also do not forget to use the ';' at the end of the line because it can create weird issues when you forget.

If you are doing this within a class which it does not appear to be the case here based on what you shared then it is likely the missing ';'.

I really should write that tutorial about classes...
Anyhow let me know if this helps...

The error you are getting makes me believe you are trying to use $this outside of a class which is the error you are getting. It has no clue what $this is.

Re: Deleted All User Ranks

What version of xoops are you using? Worst case you could manually insert into the database.

Re: INSERT Error in PDdownloads

Assuming your host upgraded your PHP version the ONLY thing you can do is to have them switch it back. There is no work around possible.

Re: INSERT Error in PDdownloads

The db driver that is used has not changed since the xoops 2.0.x days so regardless of the version of MySQL server you are using it should still work with your installation. This driver has not been changed until the recent work that has been done and is currently in progress under xoops 2.6 (alpha)

With this in mind the chances are your provider also updated the PHP version. You may find that your version of PHP is no longer compatible with your installation and will require you to upgrade. If you are running atleast PHP 5.3 then you can update to 2.5.6 but some of your modules may need to be upgraded/updated to also work. You may find an update to atleast 2.4.5 to be in your best interest if you are not quite up to php 5.3 yet. (Not sure what the minimum for 2.5.6 is but it has been posted else where and Mamba can help with that too.)

If you are unsure about your version follow the directions I posted here:


Re: Forum ver 3,08 - Threads when admin/webmaster site loads blank, reg user all ok. How Weirdis that?

Upgrading will help keep you up to date with the rest of what is going on.

What module were you having issues with?


Re: Forum ver 3,08 - Threads when admin/webmaster site loads blank, reg user all ok. How Weirdis that?

Here is an easy test:

make a file and call it phpinfo.php and place the following two lines in it:


Place this in the root directory of your web site. (Same location as the mainfile.php file) Then type in the following line in your bowser. (Replace www.yoursite.com with the name of your site. )


This should tell you much about your server.

One good thing is if you are running xoops 2.4.3 your upgrade will be much more painless than some of the older upgrades. My guess is you are now running php 5.4 and 2.4.3 may not be compatible with it. But the majority of the modules you are running should be compatible with 2.5.6.

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