Re: reduce the size text box in xoops 2.5.6

I had the same problem with text box comments in xoops 2.5.5
The solution for me was:
Add in theme style css:
#com_text {

I hope its working for you too

Re: Meta tag module "XBS MetaTags" or similar

Guys, I found final decision for both directory modules - weblinks and mylinks

The big boss still thinks that the pages (singlelink - for both modules) are doubling. I think its normal, because every single link have same meta description, with custom tag or empty tag - they are always same.

I took meta code from catads, testing and sets for both singlelink.php and viewcat.php. Its working perfect now :)

For module weblinks
In the file singlelink.php set
$keyword_tags 'bla, blaa, blaaa' ;  
$desctextclean strip_tags($annonce['description']);
        for ( 
$i=0$i$max $i++ ) {
$keyword_tags .= $mots_tags[$i].", " ;

Must be just under this line:

Now meta description will be the same like link title, in any case we havent meta desc doubling any more. Keyword tags we know are not important yet...set as you wish.
In the file viewcat.php set
$keyword_tags 'bla, blaa, blaaa' ;         
$desctextclean strip_tags($annonce['description']);
$xoTheme->addMeta('meta''description'substr($category['title_s'] , 0140));
        for ( 
$i=0$i$max $i++ ) {
$keyword_tags .= $mots_tags[$i].", " ;

just under this line:
$keywords_urlencoded =  $weblinks_template->get_keywords_urlencode();

Now the category title will be meta description too

For module mylinks
In the file singlelink.php set:
$keyword_tags 'bla, blaa, blaaa' ;  
$desctextclean strip_tags($annonce['description']);
        for ( 
$i=0$i$max $i++ ) {
$keyword_tags .= $mots_tags[$i].", " ;

just under:

Now the meta description will be our first 140 characters from link description - no doubling meta desc anymore :)
In the file viewcat.php set:
$keyword_tags 'bla, blaa, blaaa' ;  
$desctextclean strip_tags($annonce['description']);
        for ( 
$i=0$i$max $i++ ) {
$keyword_tags .= $mots_tags[$i]."" ;

just under:

Now we have category title as meta description too

That all, for me working perfect, there are no doubling links anymore. But be careful with yours

Re: Remove Tell-a friend link from module.

Yes cache, no else remained..

@codefantom, dont delete index.html, delete only cached files (all others)

Also, modules cache you may set from control panel-system-preferences-general settings

Re: Remove Tell-a friend link from module.

Its strange.. Delete from xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ all files except index.html
Other, be sure that module cache is OFF

Re: Remove Tell-a friend link from module.

Nice module!

I think you mean "recommend" link?

Before full review:
remove line:
""<a target="_top" href="mailto:?subject=<{$down.mail_subject}>&body=<{$down.mail_body}>"><{$smarty.const._MD_WFD_TELLAFRIEND}>a> | ""

located in wfdownloads/templates/ file name: wfdownloads_download.html

In full view:
remove line:
""<a target="_top" href="mailto:?subject=<{$down.mail_subject}>&body=<{$down.mail_body}>"><{$smarty.const._MD_WFD_TELLAFRIEND}>a> | ""

located in wfdownloads/templates/ file name: wfdownloads_singlefile.html

Re: Problems with displaying stories after moving to another server

I think that you have problem with www/redirect. Tray to remove any redirect on your cpanel and htaccess

webmap3 in weblinks not show correct map

Hi guys

Im using webmap3 module in weblinks, but i have strange problem.
When setting map coordinates on my localhost, the map displays correctly, with exact long&lat. But on my online server the maps displaying with big discrepancy, about 500km and more, and always its appears in the empty regions (where have nothing). In the code the coordinates are correct, but display wrong location.
I tried something with server time and time zone, but no chance. Also tried to change info in weblinks_us_google.html and others and others... but when settings are on web - there is problem, when the same in my localhost - everything is ok

my xoops is 2.5.5, webmaps3 is latest - 1.1 and weblinks - 2.1


Re: XSitemap v1.52 Beta 1 - Test

Im fascinated, really :)

Yesterday I saw the post with this module and honestly I had no great expectations about this... BUT now Im very happy and will start settings for my pages and my un-functional sitemaps :)

Successfully create settings for modules catads and weblinks, with no bugs, and now I have fully automated sitemap..really great!

Thank you very much for this nice module!

I did bulgarian translation, if you want put in translation directory

10x again :)

Re: Meta tag module "XBS MetaTags" or similar

10x I will check this module "defacer"

I have no problem with "hard-coded" meta data. May be I put the code in right places (testing) and the meta keys and description appears correctly with no bugs or conflict with every single page where I putting the code. In example Im looking for lines like: CreateMetaDatas, $xoopsTpl->assign... , template->get_keyword_array..., and set the code under them with no conflict or errors.

These modules you say has perfect meta data but only when we have single "news" or other event. For general files like index.php or others like search, vote, category and etc there is no custom meta keywords and description and the system gets meta from "Meta Tags and Footer" menu.
Other, I had problems particularly with module "weblinks". There are important page witch must be with custom meta, like index, viewcat, viewfeed, viewmark, catlist, ratelink and others, and specially singlelink.
Also files in news - index, topicdirectory.. in catads, in tags and others.

Re: Meta tag module "XBS MetaTags" or similar

Hi guys,

I found some solution to create custom meta keys & desc for most pages

Im not programmer, just testing (be careful with yours)

Put in your .php page this code:

$keyword_tags = 'word, word, word...' ;
$xoTheme->addMeta('meta', 'keywords', $keyword_tags);
$description = 'description....' ;
$xoTheme->addMeta('meta', 'description', $description);

This works in most cases. It may require to find the suitable place in your .php file, but anyway - it works :)
You dont need to change or delete your existing meta in general xoops system "Meta Tags and Footer" menu, the code will replace original meta data only if exist. Тhе rest pages, without this code, will working with original meta key & desc.

This is a part of solution with meta data in xoops pages. I hope one day some good guy to create nice seo module, we need of such :)

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