Re: Couple of general questions.
  • 2005/11/9 11:37

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30


jamesh1 wrote:
Thanks for the reply.

I'll sort groups out ASAP.

I'll have a look around for forums - is it correct that we have to pay for the IPB module?

Nope, IPB is free - XOOPS version anyway. The new IPB from invision isn't, but that's not the verion that's been xooped.
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Re: From newbb2 to Invision
  • 2005/11/9 11:31

  • Goober

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pmcnamara wrote:
I'm using newbb2 right now...

How do I switch to Invision and not lose all the posts we have now.

Is that possible ?

Yes it's possible and you wont lose a thing! JUST BACK UP FIRST!!!!!

Head over to bbpixel and you'll get everything you need.
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Re: Nested vs. Threaded vs. Flat
  • 2005/11/6 19:51

  • Goober

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Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
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Re: help add banner
  • 2005/11/6 2:08

  • Goober

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  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

are you using the XOOPS banner call or just adding a banner?

If youre adding banners - sponsor code - then gestroud is correct and you need to edit the template of the module your wanting them to display in. Make sure you're editing the template youre using atm.

For example, when i wanted to add the firefox banner to xcgal - ( http://www.gooberhead.net/modules/xcgal/displayimage.php?pid=22&album=5&pos=22 ) I went to templates, opened up the display image template, dropped down to where i wanted the banner to display and wa la!

Keep plugging at it. you'll get it
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
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Re: Editing & Cloning Blocks
  • 2005/11/6 2:00

  • Goober

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I believe you'd have to make sure it also reflected in the xoops_version.php of that module. That's what i do when i want to clone/make custom blocks and have smarty and all the goodies that are lacking in the normal custom blocks.

I'm prolly doing it the hard way too.
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Re: Template trouble
  • 2005/11/6 1:57

  • Goober

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  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

delete the contents of your template_c folder and try it.

that's my guess
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Leecher on Request Modification Download modules
  • 2005/11/6 1:52

  • Goober

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Goten02 wrote:
to Goober: I using the same .htaccess as your I put it in public_html folder but it not work still can link to other site isn't it your work on your site? can you help me with this I realy need to make this thing work
help please

Put copies of it in the specific folders you want to prevent hotlinking. Dont drop it in your root folder.

That help?

(of course, change 'yourdomain' to .. your website address )

Edit: I suppose I can be a tad more specific
RewriteEngine On
%{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?yourdomain.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule .(zip|exe|tar|gz)$ /images/nohotlink.jpg [L]

1.First line is turning on the rewrite
2. Second line you want to provide details that reflect your domain. (lose yourdomain and put yours in)
3. 3rd line is checking where the request is coming from
4. 4th line tells the file types ( you can replace those with jpg, gif, etc) and the /images/nohotlink.jpg point to a jpg i have in the images folder that is named "nohotlink.jpg".

basically what it does is when a referrer is outside the domain, it sends that "nohotlink.jpg" instead.
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Re: News made easy
  • 2005/11/6 1:22

  • Goober

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When the xmlrpc vulnerability was out - it was nice to have protector to just click and turn it off. (GJ GIJOE!)

It sucked tho because I had to do the darn news stuff manually.

Needless to say, when i saw http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/CRDY-6E2KYB I jumped for joy!

Be sure to post back if you like it - dont like it etc!
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
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Re: News made easy
  • 2005/11/6 1:13

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

do you have xmlrpc turned off in protector?
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: News made easy
  • 2005/11/6 1:03

  • Goober

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  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

I'll add, there's a bug in News 1.42 that might cause you a headache. It's not present in News 1.1 tho.

If you or any of your users submit a news article with w.bloggar and don't choose a topic - when they submit it, News 1.42 automatically assigns it topicid '1'. Not a problem - UNLESS YOU DON'T HAVE A TOPICID 1.

If you don't have a TOPICID 1, the news wont show and you cant edit it. However the waiting contents - submitted news block will show you news waiting. When this happens, you have to go into the DB and Manually assign a valid topicid number to the submission - then it will show.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

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