Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/28 15:00

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

oh and i accept too.

but i'm not finished with the Damaster situation..

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/28 12:22

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

and i disagree Jay, my posts about Damaster are very relevant, because he was nominated. if he wasn't nominated then they wouldn't be relevant, but he was nominated, so they are relevant.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/28 12:08

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

i am helping

i am helping the community a lot by calling for Damaster to be banned from this site for violating the terms of use, and for unauthorised and illegally accessing other peoples accounts without their permission.

i am helping the community by disclosing information that you keep trying to hide & put on the back burner.

i am helping the community by informing them of his actions & intent. I am helping the community by asking for him to be removed.

oh and your comment about what does it matter because this is XOOPS and not a site where confidential information is held is not good in itself.

you are saying that because there is no sensitive or confidential nature of this site, then people shouldn't be worried about people like Damaster illegally accessing their accounts. it's the #OOPS# principle, not the results that are the crime.

but for 1.

by gaining access, he can get access to users personal emails even if they have chosen to have them hidden from view, he could gather a list of everyones email and sell it to a spam company.

he can read personal messages, and my dear, do you actually know how many people here who have requested help, and as part of the help they receive, might need them to disclose their server login info & passwords etc.. this is sometimes passed over via PM or via email. so yes just by gaining access to other peoples accounts and reading PM messages, he could inadvertantly get more server login info & passwords by reading PRIVATE messages.

so there are far more security & privacy implications than a little.

and by allowiung him to get away with it, you are bring XOOPS into disrepute by breaking a websites highest rule which is 1 of PRIVACY, and a breech of data protection acts and other laws worldwide.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/28 11:42

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

personally as i've said darcy. my posts about Damaster are very RELEVANT to the thread because YOU & other people NOMINATED him to be part of this so called committee.

I voiced my disgust at his nomination, and gave the facts of his history..

so they are frakin Relevant!!

and if you lot can't understand my concerns about Damaster, then by god, what confidence does the rest of this community have in this committee?

you can't even enforce your own terms of use, otherwise he would be banned instantly without the need to vote on his banning. the terms of use states clearly that violation of those terms will mean the user will be banned immediately.

what confidence does the community have when you all can't even deal with someone who has illegally used other peoples accounts from illegally obtained password hashes?

what confidence does the community havew when a committee member says they can't even see anything that Damaster has done wrong?

the picture they are pushing out is

"hackers & crackers are welcome to particpate on this site in any capacity, you will be allowed to illegally access other peoples user accounts, you will be allowed to post malicious content and false information and personally attack people whilst using those accounts you gained access to illegally. in fact you are quite welcome to hack xoops.org and do anything you want, the community here will embrace you with open arms for doing it, in fact the community will also nominate you to become part of it's committee"

that is the message you are pushing out by ignoring my remarks about Damaster. and yes they are relevant to this topic because he was nominated!! if he was not nominated, then they would not be relevant. but that is not the case.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/27 21:34

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26


And that was not Gijoe, Mikhail, Ono or my self that
have take recently control over servers

Nor try to control xoops.org

But I'm quite sure to share the same Open Source Spirit
with Gijoe and Mikhail that try to alert the community
and set everyone free from such factories people.


for 1. Gijoe did what he did to prove a point, a point well made but not in the best way of proving it, he was neither malicious or benign in what he did and he informed that it was him.

mikhail on the other hand, your good friend mikhail, who you say, i quote: "Mikhail that try to alert the community
and set everyone free from such factories people".

was he trying to alert the community when he destroyed the whole website, deleted everyones files, totally destroyed the whole of XOOPS including all the modules, themes, docs & everything? is that what you call alerting the community in the OPEN SOURCE spirit?

really Damaster, you are clearly immoral.

and on yourself, you used other users accounts illegally to pretend to be that person, you posted on the forum with abuse and crap, you flamed, you lied and you attacked people. is that open-source spirit? is that acceptable behaviour.

No Nuno, what gijoe did and what you & mikhail did are completely different in nature and you should not think yourselves in as good spirited open-source nature as what gijoe is.

you both are a disgrace to open-source spirit.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/27 20:08

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

see the server hacking thread for evidence, more evidence to what i posted last time when i requested his banning. this time, someone else actually did some research (giba) in providing more proof. but i don't need to list the proof to the management, because they already know of Damasters antics.

the message being pushed out is "hackers & crackers are very welcome to participate on this site and they can use other peoples accounts and use illegally obtained passwords for their pleasure, the XOOPS management will embrace you all the way for doing it"

not good advertisement at all. he should be punished and banned. so i state again.. i publically call for Damaster to be banned for unauthorised use of peoples accounts, and for blatant flaming and malicious posting. the proof is all on this site already.

to quote from terms of use (paragraph 9, item 2)


(2) abuse of site resources or attempt to gain unauthorized entry to the site or site resources; (3) use of an XOOPS site in a manner inconsistent with the purpose;

is that not what he did on numerous occasions, or does using other peoples accounts without permission from illegally obtained password hashes NOT constitute a breech of that?

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/27 19:56

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

who hijacked the thread?

Damaster was nominated.

i voiced my concerns over his nomination due to his dishonest nature & the fact he has no interest in XOOPS at all except as a playground, he would rather see XOOPS Cube succeed because he thinks XOOPS Cube is superior to XOOPS and he doesn't like XOOPS because of that. that is relevant to this thread in my opinion.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/27 19:42

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

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if it's to be democratic, if people vote for him because someone stupidly nominated him, then well if he was voted ever voted in? then what?

the fact is, he shouldn't be on this site because of those actions in order to be nominated in the 1st place.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/27 19:28

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26


Mamba wrote:
vaughan wrote:

Damaster, it's you who create negativeness..

And unfortunately, you're contributing to it as well by your comments. Please focus on the task at hand, be professional, and move all personal fights to private emails.

We don't have to agree on everything, but calling people names doesn't really belong here. And I don't really care who started it - it's time to move on...

i call it damage limitation.

why would i not voice my concerns in public when a person (Damaster) has in the past (and maybe still continuing to do so) has/is accessing other peoples user accounts and has used them in the past to post malicious content and grief by pretending to be the person who's account he was using because of illegally obtained passwords? please tell me why that is being negative, that same dishonest person has just been nominated to be on a XOOPS committee by yourself and other people.

and you expect me to be quiet?

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/27 18:33

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

Damaster, it's you who create negativeness.. go back to XOOPS Cube where you are happy. you do nopt use XOOPS and instead you use XOOPS Cube which is not xoops, and you will not use XOOPS because you are so proud and think XOOPS Cube is superior. so go back to your superior XC.

you're an idiot who thinks he can use other peoples accounts as a toy, in fact you treat XOOPS as a toy to play on and accuse people etc.. you login to other peoples accounts and pretend to be them, and then you expect people to be civil towards you?

if you want to help xoops, say bye bye, and go back to xoopscube.

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