Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/22 4:22

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Sorry for my late reply^^;;

francis kicking my ass^^:
What about another update on your hack?

I love it^^;;(sorry^^;;)

francis wrote:
To avoid those nasty scrollbars you get when you read or write a pm use a resizetocontent-script.
I found a nice one, if you are interested I'll post the code.

Wow^^Sounds Cool!...^^
...you know what....
Any idea/advice/suggestion are welcomed here!! Let's share^^..
as you know, some don't like/want XOOPS to have many scripts.
(...a little worry--;;)

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/20 20:35

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


monster complaining^^:
how many updates will you make ?

Yeah...really many updates...
I know..Umm....
I know it makes you confused, inconvenient and even mad^^;;
Very sorry--;;
but ...
it's my style....to keep my motivation and desire!
as you know, this PM-hack is GPL....
so if no reaction or resonance...it's difficult to keep this PM-hack rolling on!


monster intimidating^^:
is this the final version ? say yes

quite similar and close to it^^;;
but...frankly speaking, no final version in this PM-hack!
because...if I find out a new/interesting function, I will keep adding it to this PM-hack^^
Just enjoy!!

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/20 17:45

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Like me,
If you use XOOPS Japanese version(EUC-JP),
maybe you need to use mb_convert_encoding...because fpdf of newbb2.0 only supports SJIS.
(as you know,extension,php_mbstring needed^^)
In such a case, please use pdfpmsg4japanese.php.
(rename like this : pdfpmsg4japanese.php ==> pdfpmsg.php)

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/20 16:11

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Upgraded to Ver4.2

>>PDF PM function added.(pdfpmsg.php)
Now,you can make your PM PDF easily.
This function uses fpdf of newbb2.0. So it's dependent on the directory,"~/newbb/fpdf/".
but For this function,you don't have to install newbb2.0...because it needs just "~/fpdf" ...not all newbb system.
>>PM System-Policy function/interface upgraded!(configpmsg.php, pmhackconfig.php and others related.)
#PM System-Policy#
=> ON/OFF(or Selection) of each function prepared for PM-users in this PM system.
(9, PM PDF Function -> OFF(0), ON(1) //To disable PM PDF Function [No PDF button,No access to pdfpmsg.php]
(11, PM Post/Receive Box -> OFF(0), ON(1) //To prevent users from accessing PM-boxes(viewpmsg.php) [Exception:Admin]
(#10, PM Buddy Function -> OFF(0), ON(1) -- I will not add this function to this PM-Hack because I notice it just make this PM-hack more complicated!
>>A small bug fixed in configpmsg.php
Thank you^^Krobi
>>A small bug fixed in readpmsg.php
How to upgrade 4.1->4.2
1, No change on PM DB^^No touch^^
2, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[or pmsg_upgrade3x-42.txt])
Add the upgraded contents( under//WANISYS.NET PM HACK4.2) of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
3, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
[Exception] No change on pmhackconfig.php
- You don't have to overwrite pmhackconfig.php[/html/pmhackconfig.php and /html/cache/pmhackconfig.php])
- We need /html/modules/newbb/fpdf/ for PM PDF function.(using fpdf of newbb2.0)
but you don't have to install newbb2.0...because it needs just "~/fpdf" ...not all newbb system.
(1)If you have already installed newbb2.0, you don't have to copy it(/html/modules/newbb/fpdf/).
(2)If you're using newbb1.0, Just add ~/fpdf to newbb1.0..(I mean,just copy it)
(3)If you don't have/use newbb, Just make the directory,"/html/modules/newbb/". and Copy it!!
4, That'a all! Enjoy this new PM system4.2!!

How to install[new install]

1, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
2, Copy/Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
(You must back-up original files...before this hack!!!!)
- We need /html/modules/newbb/fpdf/ for PM PDF function.(using fpdf of newbb2.0)
but you don't have to install newbb2.0...because it needs just "~/fpdf" ...not all newbb system.
(1)If you have already installed newbb2.0, you don't have to copy it(/html/modules/newbb/fpdf/).
(2)If you're using newbb1.0, Just add ~/fpdf to newbb1.0..(I mean,just copy it)
(3)If you don't have/use newbb, Just make the directory,"/html/modules/newbb/". and Copy it!!
3, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[and pmsg_upgrade3x-42.txt if it exists])
Add the contents of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
4, Open this file(/html/footer.txt)
Add the wanipmhack section(I mean ////////////////WANIPMHACK3.0) of footer.txt to footer.php.
5, That's all!! Enjoy this new PM system!!

How to uninstall

1, Replace all changed files with your original files.
2, Delete all new files.
(html/ configpmsg.php, printpmsg.php, backuppmsg.php, pmgrouplite.php, usersearch.php, userkeysearch.php, pmhackconfig.php, overlib_mini.js, pdfpmsg.php)
(html/cache/ pmhackconfig.php)
(html/include/ pm_functions.php)
(html/kernel/ privmessageconfig.php, pmuserkey.php)
(html/images/ inbox.gif, readbox.gif, rsavebox.gif, rtrashbox.gif, outbox.gif, sentbox.gif, psavebox.gif, ptrashbox.gif, pmhelp.png, xoopspm_slogo.png)
(html/images/icons/ backuppm.gif, forwardpm.gif, gforwardpm.gif, printpm.gif, pmuserkey.gif, pmcheck.gif, pdfpm.gif)
(html/images/pmsubject/icon1.gif, pm_normal_u.gif, pm_normal.gif, pm_normal_e.gif, pm_re_u.gif, pm_re.gif, pm_re_e.gif, pm_fw_u.gif, pm_fw.gif, pm_fw_e.gif, pm_gpm_u.gif, pm_gpm.gif, pm_gfw_u.gif, pm_gfw.gif)
3, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack_uninstall.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
4, That's all!! Very simple^^;;



-Stable Version => Ver2.85(default)
-Test Version => Ver4.2(+pmconfig+GroupPM+etc)
-DB-toolkit for DB-novice(only for New install/uninstall)

If you use XOOPS Japanese or Korean Version...and download XOOPS2_mod_newbb_2.0Final at Module Dev Forge(http://dev.xoops.org)

Please fix this files. It has an error!!

--before fix
class PDF_language extends FPDF
--after fix
class PDF_language extends PDF_Korean
--before fix
class PDF_language extends FPDF
--after fix
class PDF_language extends PDF_Japanese


From wani[wani@wanisys.net]

the most educational site, wanisys.net [http://www.wanisys.net ]

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/19 15:35

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Very sorry for my late reply!
Now I'm a little under the weather.


krobi wrote:
and when i tell the hack "use old user select methode" it will not save, i set 777 for the pmhack files, so saving should not be a problem

^^Very Sorry!
It's my mistake!!
Just Change like this^^! ( 2 ==> 0 )

<< configpmsg.php Line: 592 >>
--before fix--
if ( empty($_POST['pmpartnersearch']) ) { $pmpartnersearch = 2; } else { $pmpartnersearch = intval($_POST['pmpartnersearch']); }
--after fix--
if ( empty($_POST['pmpartnersearch']) ) { $pmpartnersearch = 0; } else { $pmpartnersearch = intval($_POST['pmpartnersearch']); }

please redownload Ver4.1!!


krobi wrote:
i set the settings to 100 pm's (inbox and outbox) and for administrator there stand 100 but a normal user have 5000 but i settings there stand 100

This function works well on my server! So...I think it's not the problem of this PM hack!
Please read previous pages! I guess it may help you understand functions of this PM hack!

Sooner or later,
I will release Ver 4.2 which enable you to make your PM...PDF and to prevent users from accessing PM-boxes.(viewpmsg.php)
#PDF ==> Using fpdf of newbb2.0 (^^ I already made pdfpmsg.php )
#pmbuddy system ==> I changed my mind!! I will not add this function to this PM-Hack because I notice it just make this PM-hack more complicated!

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/17 17:20

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

Upgraded to Ver4.1

>>Security Upgraded by equipping this PM Hack with (one-time)Ticket System.( pm_functions.php and others related.)
Notice: Ticket System From ORETEKI XOOPS,Author: Marijuana (http://marijuana.ddo.jp/xoops/ )
I think this must be helpful to prevent CSRF(Cross-Site Request Forgeries)-Attack and etc.
If you want more detailed info about CSRF, Please read this file.(http://www.tux.org/~peterw/csrf.txt )
>>PM System-Policy function/interface upgraded!(configpmsg.php, pmhackconfig.php and others related.)
#PM System-Policy#
=> ON/OFF(or Selection) of each function prepared for PM-users in this PM system.
(12, PM Send -> OFF(0), ON(1) //To disable PM Send Function [No Send,Reply button, No access to pmlite.php ]
Notice : This will prevent users from sending PM via pmlite.php. If you also want to disable GPM(Group PM),Please read [3,GroupPM(GPM) Function] below.
(13, PM Policy(something related with filtering) -> OFF(0), ON(1) //To disable user's PM Policy(something related with filtering).
This will invalidate Filtering,Reject,Blacklist,Post Box Limit,Receive Box Limit.
(14, PM-Group Policy -> OFF(0), ON(1) //To disable PM-Group Policy such as my-PMGroup, G(roup)-PM Limit.
I mean that if you set this OFF(0), users can send G(roup)-PM to any group without any limit.
>>"Show status"(of configpmsg.php) upgraded to show user status of PM Functions
^^Just Click "Show status" and Check it!
>>My mistake fixed^^(Yeah... icon1.gif )
In Ver4.0, I made mistake that I omitted this icon file.( /html/images/pmsubject/icon1.gif )
>>Some functions moved into pm_functions.php.
(This is the first step toward modularization of this PM-Hack.)
How to upgrade 4.0->4.1
1, No change on PM DB^^No touch^^
2, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[or pmsg_upgrade3x-41.txt])
Add the upgraded contents( under//WANISYS.NET PM HACK4.1) of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
3, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
[Exception] No change on pmhackconfig.php
- You don't have to overwrite pmhackconfig.php[/html/pmhackconfig.php and /html/cache/pmhackconfig.php])
4, That'a all! Enjoy this new PM system4.1!!

How to install[new install]

1, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
2, Overwrite All files into proper directories!!
(You must back-up original files...before this hack!!!!)
3, Open this file(/html/language/{yourlanguage}/pmsg.txt[and pmsg_upgrade3x-41.txt if it exists])
Add the contents of pmsg.txt to pmsg.php.
4, Open this file(/html/footer.txt)
Add the wanipmhack section(I mean ////////////////WANIPMHACK3.0) of footer.txt to footer.php.
5, That's all!! Enjoy this new PM system!!

How to uninstall

1, Replace all changed files with your original files.
2, Delete all new files.
(html/ configpmsg.php, printpmsg.php, backuppmsg.php, pmgrouplite.php, usersearch.php, userkeysearch.php, pmhackconfig.php, overlib_mini.js)
(html/cache/ pmhackconfig.php)
(html/include/ pm_functions.php)
(html/kernel/ privmessageconfig.php, pmuserkey.php)
(html/images/ inbox.gif, readbox.gif, rsavebox.gif, rtrashbox.gif, outbox.gif, sentbox.gif, psavebox.gif, ptrashbox.gif, pmhelp.png)
(html/images/icons/ backuppm.gif, forwardpm.gif, gforwardpm.gif, printpm.gif, pmuserkey.gif, pmcheck.gif)
(html/images/pmsubject/icon1.gif, pm_normal_u.gif, pm_normal.gif, pm_normal_e.gif, pm_re_u.gif, pm_re.gif, pm_re_e.gif, pm_fw_u.gif, pm_fw.gif, pm_fw_e.gif, pm_gpm_u.gif, pm_gpm.gif, pm_gfw_u.gif, pm_gfw.gif)
3, Open this file(/html/wanipmhack_uninstall.sql) and execute the sql query on the file^^
( Use phpmyadmin...if you are DB-novice!!Please, watch out table prefix[xoops_])
4, That's all!! Very simple^^;;



-Stable Version => Ver2.85(default)
-Test Version => Ver4.1(+pmconfig+GroupPM+etc)
-DB-toolkit for DB-novice(only for New install/uninstall)


From wani[wani@wanisys.net]

the most educational site, wanisys.net [http://www.wanisys.net ]

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/13 12:07

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


francis wrote:
but I don't understand where to put the code you mention. What to insert into notification.php?


I wrote like this:
I think you can easily solve this trouble by adding some codes to /html/class/xoopsmailer.php.
$pm_handler->setFromdelete($pm)[after $pm_handler->insert($pm)]
^^;;(Not test yet...but..it may work^^)

I mentioned notification.php just to show that auto-notification uses xoopsmailer.php to send PM.
So... you don't have to modify notification.php.
Just Add $pm_handler->setFromdelete($pm); to xoopsmailer.php
like This^^
// private
function sendPM($uid$subject$body)
$pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage');
$pm =& $pm_handler->create();
$pm->setVar('from_userid', !empty($this->fromUser) ? $this->fromUser->getVar('uid') : $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
    if (!
$pm_handler->insert($pm)) {
return true;

I tested and confirmed it works well this evening.
I think other PMs(sent automatically from other modules)..also will be deleted automatically from OUTBOX/SENTBOX in the same way.

For me this is definitely a bug. Why do other users (non-admins) have Automatic Notifications in their SENT-Box? I thought that the admin sent the notifications and not the users?

^^...I also checked what you said above.
but...On my test-server..and public server....It works well..without any trouble.
If user has automatic notification PM in his/her postbox(outbox/sentbox/psavebox),
the reason is simply because that PM has his/her uid as from_userid.
This is part of the criteria of OUTBOX.
Do you think OUTBOX can have PM which has other's uid as from_userid ?

$criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('from_userid', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid')));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('read_msg', 0));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('from_delete', 0));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('to_delete', 0));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('from_save', 0));

Anyway...I think this line in xoopsmailer.php may cause PM(sent automatically) to have other' uid besides Admin as from_userid.
$pm->setVar('from_userid', !empty($this->fromUser) ? $this->fromUser->getVar('uid') : $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));

As you know, it basically decides from_userid like this.(notification.php)

$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
$xoopsMailerConfig =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_MAILER);
foreach ($tags as $k=>$v) {
$xoopsMailer->assign($k, $v);

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/12 21:03

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


Maybe I missed something in this discussion, but I have an annoying bug in your (wonderful) hack.
All automatic notifications are in my sent-box.


I've mentioned like this before[Read Page1]^^:
If you hate the congestion of OUTBOX/SENTBOX, you can post a PM with from_delete=1....It means... you post and delete a PM at the same time.
And still your partner can receive your PM because still to_delete=0^^
So you can solve this problem if you use $pm_handler->setFromdelete($pm) at the same time when you post a PM($pm_handler->insert($pm)).

Umm...I think it's not a bug of this PM hack.
As you know, I've tried to escape collision with(and not to bother) other modules or XOOPS core functions[such as PM function related with auto notification].
So... PMs(sent by System or other modules) are all exceptional in the PM policy of this PM hack.
I think you can easily solve this trouble by adding some codes to /html/class/xoopsmailer.php.
$pm_handler->setFromdelete($pm)[after $pm_handler->insert($pm)]
^^;;(Not test yet...but..it may work^^)

$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
$xoopsMailerConfig =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_MAILER);
            foreach (
$tags as $k=>$v) {

// private
function sendPM($uid$subject$body)
$pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage');
$pm =& $pm_handler->create();
$pm->setVar('from_userid', !empty($this->fromUser) ? $this->fromUser->getVar('uid') : $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
        if (!
$pm_handler->insert($pm)) {

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/12 12:22

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27


I mentioned before like this:
With this function,you(Admin) can set the PM System-Policy of your system.
#PM System-Policy#
You can set the followings.
=> the default values of PM-Policy,GroupPM-Policy.
(It means new member has these as his/her default PM-Policy,GroupPM-Policy.)

This section of pmhackconfig.php is correspondent to the default value of PM(GroupPM) Policy.
$Config_pm['filter_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['filter_word'] = "sex,drug";
$Config_pm['reject_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['reject_reason'] = "";
$Config_pm['blacklist'] = "devilboy,devilgirl";
$Config_pm['pmsort'] = "0";
$Config_pm['pmorder'] = "0";
$Config_pm['pmlimit'] = "10";
$Config_pm['trashbox_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['popup_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['mail_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['rbox_max'] = "5000";
$Config_pm['pbox_max'] = "5000";

$Config_gpm['grouppm_adminok'] = "0";
$Config_gpm['grouppm_mygroupok'] = "0";
$Config_gpm['grouppm_rusergroupok'] = "0";
$Config_gpm['pmgroup_list'] = "";
$Config_gpm['grouppm_limit'] = "5";
Here is more detailed explanation^^
(please, look at the menu."Set PM System Policy(Admin Only)" [configpmsg.php?op=editpmsystempolicy]
$Config_pm['filter_ok'] => No filtering(0), Filtering(1)
$Config_pm['filter_word'] => ex> "sex,fight,drug"
$Config_pm['reject_ok'] => No reject(0), Reject(1)
$Config_pm['reject_reason'] => ex> "I am busy now"
$Config_pm['blacklist'] => ex> "devilboy,devilgirl"
$Config_pm['pmsort'] => msg_time(0), subject(1)
$Config_pm['pmorder'] => ASC(0), DESC(1)
$Config_pm['pmlimit'] => 10 (10 pms Per Page)
$Config_pm['trashbox_ok'] => No show(0),Show(1)
$Config_pm['popup_ok'] => No popup(0),Popup(1)
$Config_pm['mail_ok'] => No mail notification(0), Mail notification(1)
$Config_pm['rbox_max'] => 5000 (PM user Receive box max-limit)
$Config_pm['pbox_max'] => 5000 (PM user Post box max-limit)
$Config_gpm['grouppm_adminok'] => Allow GroupPM to Admin Group-> Not Allow(0),Allow(1)
$Config_gpm['grouppm_mygroupok'] =>Allow GroupPM to My Groups-> Not Allow(0),Allow(1)
$Config_gpm['grouppm_rusergroupok'] => GroupPM to Registered Users Group -> Not Allow(0),Allow(1)
$Config_gpm['pmgroup_list'] => ex> "1,2" GroupID
$Config_gpm['grouppm_limit'] => 5 GroupPM limit(Per Month)

=> ON/OFF(or Selection) of each function prepared for PM-users in this PM system.
It is correspondent to this section of pmhackconfig.php
((please, look at the menu."Set PM System Policy(Admin Only)" [configpmsg.php?op=editpmsystempolicy])
$Config_pmfunction['pmpartnersearch'] = "2";
$Config_pmfunction['pmconfig_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['grouppm_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmuserkey_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmtype_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmbackup_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmprint_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmpdf_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmbuddy_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmhelp_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmprbox_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmlite_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmpolicy_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['grouppmpolicy_ok'] = "1";

someone asked me why I chose File-Config instead of DB-Config(xoops_config table)
At my first thought, I planed DB-Config...but...changed my mind...
because....I thought File-Config is better in this stage considering the modularization of this PM-Hack.


From wani[wani@wanisys.net]

the most educational site, wanisys.net [http://www.wanisys.net ]

Re: XOOPS PM(Private Message)-Hack
  • 2005/1/12 11:16

  • wanikoo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2003/12/27

PM Help Function (/html/overlib_mini.js) upgraded!!

The upgraded version of this script will provide you with more stability and compatibility.

If you have never seen this message before,
please replace your old overlib_mini.js with this new overlib_mini.js
please redownload Ver4.0!!

If you want to customize this Popup Help/Tip for your system,
please visit the author's site below.
(You can get also the latest version of this script here. Just download and rename it^^[ overlibmws.js => overlib_mini.js ] )
overlibmws DHTML Popup Library
(maintained by Foteos Macrides at Macrides Web Services)


From wani[wani@wanisys.net]

the most educational site, wanisys.net [http://www.wanisys.net ]

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