I want to install xoops 2.5 final in my live server
i made a new directory and put all my files there
i don't want to install in root for my live server cause i have another xoops installation there that i don't want to disturb
change all the necessary permission...check if there files missing
only found this problem..redownload xoops 2.5 final and reupload same problem
./class/mail/phpmailer/codeworxtech.html content invalid
./class/mail/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-fo.php content invalid
There are 2738 files checked.
Please remove the file ./checksum.md5 and checksum.php as soon as possible.
proceed go to my site to start the installation
want to go to next step but im stuck in the language selection
when i click next nothing happened
Im using
MySQL version 5.0.91-community
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
Apache version 2.2.16
PHP version 5.2.9
installtion in localhost went smootlhy..install in root
help any quick fix for this ?