Re: if you want to talk to herko coomans
  • 2007/11/13 15:52

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

i agree catz.. and nachenko, i'd have deleted it too.

this does prove 1 big point though.

Herko may have stopped visiting here and uses XI.. but he is FREE to use whatever #OOPS# site he chooses, and i suppose he uses XI because it's more organised and more friendly.

Hervet proved a point that even though Herko no longer comes here etc, he has to make a new topic that instantly tries to provoke an argument or flame.

I responded sarcastically, but he then responded with insults (childish & lame insults at that, hell my 9 yr old nephew can come up with better insults)..

so who is the one who is instigating? Herve is the cause, herve is the problem, herve is the solution. (if only he'd grow up and stop being an immature brat)

and don't tell me there was nothing provocative, or what have you in his post.. because the only intention in making a thread like this with the topic title it has is to cause a flame or argument.

Re: I have just lost my entire database in SmartSection
  • 2007/11/13 12:47

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

i'd have thought it more a server config issue than a XOOPS bug or smartsection bug. when a script writes as 'nobody', it's because the server config is configured in a way that makes it do that. it's to do with apache config if i'm not mistaken.

Re: if you want to talk to herko coomans
  • 2007/11/13 12:41

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

blah blah frakin blah..

and your point is hervet?

here's a new 1 for you.. grow up little boy.

Re: @script_fu, Will_H and Snow77
  • 2007/11/12 21:30

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

sorry bill, i did say that I wasn't accusing you of that.. i just said as an onlookers POV (Point of view) it looked bad.

an explanation is all that was needed :) and that you have now explained it.

as for snow changing her terms and conditions, she is entitled to do that. microsoft can change the terms & conditions of using their software or using their site, whenever they want and without notice.

but in all fairness to snow, she did inform people that she was changing her release terms, and she is quite within her rights to do so. she did refund, even tho she didn't have to. you could very well have got nothing back..

Re: something dodgy goin on. hack attempt or genuine??
  • 2007/11/12 21:19

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

ok you're right with the sort order.. #OOPS# i'm blind..

i really oughta go thru my inbox and remove some of the older messages.. it's too confusing when the sort order changes without doing anything.. lol

but hmmm still not sure about my post count..

Re: something dodgy goin on. hack attempt or genuine??
  • 2007/11/12 21:15

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

yeah.. but the sort order hasn't changed..

none of the messages are there anymore, even the ones you & crip sent me..

and i'm not sure, but david seems to think my post count is less than it was.. i thought i had over 800 posts.. now i have 666?

something dodgy goin on. hack attempt or genuine??
  • 2007/11/12 21:08

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

someone not 5 mins ago has deleted all my messages in my PM inbox on x.org from 2007.

messages saved from 2006 are still present, but all messages i had saved from 2007 have been deleted, including some i have received yesterday & today..

also since it happened, i can no longer remove the inbox(1) notice in the user menu..

can admin confirm that they are messing with the DB, if not then somebody unauthorised is doing so.

Re: @script_fu, Will_H and Snow77
  • 2007/11/12 20:15

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2005/11/26

ok guys. Javesey has handled this correctly by all accounts. he has handled it in exactly the same way we handled the previous issue (similar to this), and IMO is the safest way for it to be dealt with.

as for xlurker. your opinion is noted. & to be frank (no disrespect bill & will), but what xlurker says about the domain issue does warrant some merit.

from an outsiders point of view, it is not just or fair to buy up a domain that is very similar and nearly identical to a domain name that's established and that has also been a good company for you to trade with over the years, even more so when you knew the person who owns the domain.

it's the oldest dirty trick in the net domain business. to buy a domain that is so similar to your competitor in hope that a person may just be mistaken and goto your site instead of the actual site they intended.

business breeds immorality!!

i'm not saying that is why you did it, but i'm pointing out that from an onlookers POV & the way things have progressed since february (when the domain was registered) does indeed look dodgy.

the only other trick dirtier is the example of someone buying 21stcentury fox and trademarking the name, then tried to make profit out of 20th century fox when y2k came.. but that backfired in his case, and rightly so.

Re: @script_fu, Will_H and Snow77
  • 2007/11/12 19:18

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26


Re: XOOPS vs XCL vs XOOPS Total administration
  • 2007/11/10 15:09

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

Damaster doesn't want to check it out, the only thing he is content with doing here on XOOPS is causing disruption and using other peoples accounts without their permission.

as for XOOPS Brasil 2.0.18, yes the admin interface is superb, I don't think you'll find a person here on XOOPS that thinks any differently with that opinion. certainly a lot of effort has been made to produce that version, and everyone here applauds their efforts.. myself included.

we certainly 200% need more cooperation between the core devs and the local support site developers as a whole.

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