Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/9/4 21:22

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/11/9


Peekay wrote:

seth_sd wrote:

Look at Ubuntu. This is one of the most pleasant and easy to use support sites I have ever come across, commercial or Open Soure.

Ubuntu has ONE forum. Which is why online support for Ubuntu is so good. Perhaps they realise that having more than one forum would be a really bad idea.

...or maybe they just haven't thought of it?

Exactly, that's what I am saying. We need "Forums.xoops.org" and then links to the other official forums that provide support in their respective languages with common themes....Just like Ubuntu.

I am merely addressing the fact that the organization owns the hardware and has paid to have it nicely configured and tested for production. It happens to be xoopsinfo.org at this point but with a theme change, users database integration and a DNS entry we'd be in business. It takes some time to implement but a lot of the hard part has been done.

Then do something like ubuntu does for development and bug tracking. It all appears as one nicely integrated site but is in fact multiple different servers providing different services to those involved in different aspects of the community. This provides plenty of scalability and performance and so forth to the community.

"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/9/4 18:27

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/11/9


kc0maz wrote:

Peekay wrote:

The multi-site plan = worse support, no matter what 'theme' you choose.

I agree and disagree. A theme does not make support better or worse.

Having five different sub-sites could enhance specialized support, only if there was a central site that could search all the sub-sites, and a centralized user database, However, the community is not ready for that level of support, yet. Eventually I would like see something like specialized sub-sites established.

I am not sure that the community would know the difference between sub-sites if the technical issues were properly sorted out.

I have always been under the impression that xoops.org was running on outdated hardware and that some of the modules were customized or configured in such a way that migrating them over to the new hardware did not make sense.

So why not get going with xoopsinfo.org being called - forums.xoops.org. Make the appropriate links on the front page of xoops.org, integrate the user database and add the additional search capabilities that would allow this to come together. Then move on to the next project which maybe docs or wiki or whatever. The organization owns the hardware and the domain name even though it will no longer be relevant once it's "forums.xoops.org". It's all in place and paid for - use it!

Look at Ubuntu. This is one of the most pleasant and easy to use support sites I have ever come across, commercial or Open Soure.

1. http://www.ubuntu.com/ - Main Portal

2. https://help.ubuntu.com/ - Docs

3. http://ubuntuforums.org/ - Forums (English Speaking, their are others for other languages)
- http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ - Chinese Support
- http://forum.ubuntu-nl.org/ - Dutch Support
Etc. etc......

4. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ - Wiki

"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/31 15:35

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/11/9


Peekay wrote:

seth_sd wrote:
Change xoopsinfo.org to be forums.xoops.org and that would be your forums.

The problem is, xoops.org is a massive knowledgbase of information about Xoops. I have over 200 notifications on this site leading to forum posts, news items, module comments. I often refer new users to old posts that I know will help overcome problems.

Conversely, xoopsinfo.org (or whatever you like to call it) has zilch. No knowledgebase and no user base. The odds of having a question seen and answered there is dependent on the few enthusiasts who maintain it.

IMHO this multi-site plan is fragmenting support for XOOPS now and it will only get worse. To follow the 'GI Joe' issue I would need to watch 2 sites and register at Sourceforge too.

To be honest, I fully expected to log in one day to find myself on xoopsinfo.org, with all my notifications to xoops.org intact and xoops.org a 'read-only' archive. I would get a smarter, more efficient support site with no loss of historical data and no need to re-register.

I guess not.

I certainly think you're right there. It doesn't seem unreasonable to think that all user info could be exported to the new forums/community. It just seems that at some point we have to stop talking about the structure of the forums and move forward with utilizing the new hardware and XOOPS configuration.

It just seems like we continuously put the cart before the horse, ask everyone for their opinions, get a 1000 different opinions, implement some change and 999 people are pissed off. At some point, someone has to take charge and put the change in place.

I realize that you understand all of this Peekay.

"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/31 13:10

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/11/9

agree. But why can't they be seamlessly directed to a forum here on xoops.org? If the forums were clearly defined (the point of this thread), there would be no need to redirect anyone, close anything, or move anything.

That's exactly what I am saying. Change xoopsinfo.org to be forums.xoops.org and that would be your forums. Developers will communicate as they do now on Sourceforge but all other forums will be on "forums.xoops.org". Let's drop the "xoopsinfo.org" and just call it "forums.xoops.org"...Does that make sense?

This is really just solving a technical problem of breaking up the whole of "XOOPS" onto multiple servers to enhance performance as well as easing migration to new hardware by doing it in stages. A solid strategy in my opinion.

Nobody is making money on the deal, nobody is gaining or losing control as far as I can tell. We would all gain by having the proper infrastructure in place to support the community for a while and we can all move on to doing whatver we do best which is hopefully not just discussing simple issues until we're all blue in the face!

At this rate, the new hardware will be obsolete by the time it's implemented in production
"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/31 10:44

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/11/9


davidl2 wrote:
sailjapan - these issues are already being addressed by members of the original site development team, and the "Project Theme Team"

So, it seems to me that the structure that most people are suggesting for the forums is already in place at xoopsinfo.org. Most would agree that the portal concept where people come to xoops.org and are seamlessly directed to the forum that offers them what they need is the best way to go.

Can we change the discussion to:

1. Who/When is the DNS entry to point forums.xoops.org to xoopsinfo.org going to be made?

2. What theme is going to be utilized on both sites so that the appearance is the same and seamless to the user?

The real issue is that the current hardware and configuration of xoops.org is not supportable going forward right? The foundation owns the hardware and the domain name xoopsinfo.org right?

So, if it were never presented as "xoopsinfo.org" but rather as the new server hosting the forums then we would not have this discussion? Can we all just think about it like that, stop marketing the "xoopsinfo.org" name and put together the implementation team with an expected completion date?

There has been enough discussion, we need action.
"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/29 4:00

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/11/9


BlueStocking wrote:
Thank you DJ for the clarification. It is much appreciated.

Clarification? What has been clarified exactly? That we need more inaction and debate over things that are already in place? I think my head is going to explode!
"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/29 3:52

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

  • Since: 2004/11/9

Uhhh, English support site? That seems rather redundant unless you are going to convert this project to another language. I have no interest in any of these battles and hijacks but let's call a spade a spade and come out with your true feelings DJ/PHPPP!

If you have no intentions of utilizing Xoopsinfo.org as the official support site and you feel it's irrelevent then say it! This beating around the bush is insane! Somebody needs to step up, grow a pair and move this thing forward. Stop moderating the forums based on personal feelings being hurt, names being called and get on with it.

Make xoopsinfo.org be forums.xoops.org, remove jmorris from root access, select the moderators, let vaughan and Damaster battle it out here in the forums un-moderated and give us all the pleasure of utilizing the new infrastructure that was built for this purpose. If you need help let me know. I do this stuff all day long.

There are some things that an open source project must pay for and hardware, hosting and consulting/implementation are just a few of those. How could we possibly have this thing without spending some money. Call Dell and tell them this is "Open Source and we need some friggin servers for free"? And, what are we going to do, take a vote from the thousands of XOOPS user on whether the organization can buy some consulting time and a couple of servers? Hell NO!

Somebody has to have some control and for better or worse thats the way it is....get over it. What's next?

"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Where can I advertise Xoops commercial services?
  • 2007/7/27 15:21

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

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kc0maz wrote:

Peekay wrote:
I disagree. I think that would ruin a support site. Instead of threads revealing solutions for everyone to benefit from, they would be stopped dead by posts like "I can fix that, PM me for a price". That's why no other support forums allow it.

Not for every single issue that comes across, however for the more complex issues, commercial plugs might be allowed as an alternative.

Here is an analogy that might help. For simple things around that house that need to be fixed, like leaky faucets, I can fix that, however more complex projects like replacing the plumbing, I may ask the advice of a professional and take on the project myself or If I decide it is too complex for me to handle I may hire someone to do it for me. The idea is having the choice of doing it myself or hiring someone else.

In XOOPS Simple things like moving the website to another directory on the server is quite simple, most people can do that. however developing a custom module can take a bit more, while we can provide instruction for free, having the alternative of hiring someone to create it may not be a bad option.

Yeah, but that's a bit different in that you would post saying "Hey, I need a custom module developed and am willing to pay...PM me if you're interested in developing this". I think most people would be OK with that around here, and as a matter of fact I think that is well within the spirit of this project. I am assuming that some of the more knowledgable folks provide support around here to develop their reputations and obtain business this way. But, all gain by this because the knowledge is left for everyone to use.

Peekay is dead on and is talking about the real problem of creating an atmosphere of people charging for help on an open source preoject support forum.
"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Mastop Publish WYSIWYG Editor IE 6 Incompatibilities
  • 2007/7/24 20:12

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 158

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I wanna know too!
I did not delete anything!
So the news about Mastop Go2 module was deleted too!
I wanna know why all my news was deleted, please. If it was a mistake, i can send it again.

Well, since the developer has come out and said he didn't delete it( I assumed it wasn't the developer but wanted to post with no assumptions)then it must be a XOOPS team member with privileges to do it.

Very nice module by the way!

You would think if it was a performance/disk space issue you would start with the oldest news items first not the newer ones. Having said that, I can't imagine that the disk space saved is even worth the effort it took to clean it up!

"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Mastop Publish WYSIWYG Editor IE 6 Incompatibilities
  • 2007/7/24 17:23

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

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wtravel wrote:
Who deleted the news items on Mastop Publish and why? The news items simply disappeared ????

Both top links in this google search no longer exist.

I wanna know too! That's messed up. Mastopr Publish is an awesome module that people should know about.

Is it a XOOPS "team" member or the developer that deleted that? I know it was there because that's what prompted me to download it.

Why is stuff being deleted?
"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

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