Re: Animation Theme..
  • 2007/7/7 22:47

  • pod

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  • Since: 2003/4/19

I've talked with the few Club Members we have & because I haven't released one every month in awhile, I have promised existing MyXoops Club Members lifetime memberships to MyXoops Club for their patience. Now that I have left my day job & can focus more exclusively on theme & theme addon development, everyone can expect many more releases from MyXoops in the coming weeks, to make up for the lapse in theme development. Will be doing a lot of "theme addons" in the future as well.
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Animation Theme..
  • 2007/7/7 21:49

  • pod

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  • Posts: 301

  • Since: 2003/4/19


These Flash-Integrated XOOPS themes used to be available to MyXoops Club Members only, but now some of these themes are available in the MyXoops Shop here.

Hope this helps!
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Progress Report [OT] Threads coming undone...
  • 2007/7/3 10:29

  • pod

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  • Posts: 301

  • Since: 2003/4/19

XOOPSInfo was agreed to be the Officially recognised English Language Community site, replacing this low-quality forum on this current site several months ago.

Why should the XI team downgrade to using this forum?

The site plans had been agreed - Xoops.org is to be a front page for the project ONLY

With all the new XOOPSectarianism & old in-fighting omnipresent in (nearly) every forum and news thread this initiative becomes more imperative with every negative or utterly confused posting. Get this chaos off the front page! How can I convince potential clients that they should be using XOOPS when it does not exude a fraction of the professionalism that competing content solution projects display on their landing pages? Get this done & then sort out the rest, ffs! I don't care where the "official" forums go, so long as it is off the front page of this site. I know phppp is quite married to CBB but in all fairness & as I have stated numerous times before, the boards themselves are substandard & do not lend themselves well to being easily managed. A change would be nice, but in the meantime at least take this mess off the front page.

Also regarding the aforementioned chaos, confusion & in-fighting, I hate to do it but I have to say it...

Resized Image

...A bit sad that that thread is like 2 years old. Has any actual progress even been made since Ono was ousted?? I hate to lend my voice to the negativity but we really have to get it together here, and hopefully before another 2 years elapse. It is disheartening to see so many of my long-time fellow XOOPSers disenfranchised by the current state of affairs in disrepair. Hang in there, there may be hope yet! I really, really hope this project comes to a point soon where it can flourish again. Thanks to everyone who is trying.
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Site made using xoops but does not look like Xoops
  • 2007/6/13 0:48

  • pod

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Some of the sub pages look like XOOPS but by the front page you'd never guess it was a XOOPS site.
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Random pic module?
  • 2007/2/26 10:13

  • pod

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Pod that rid script looks good, could it be used to have random background images, or is that just stupid talk? ;o)

You could use it for random background images if you wanted to. I use it often to display random images in Flash, it's a very versatile little script.


what is the differences (between my album random block and rid)?

If you are using MyAlbum and you want to display a thumbnail image (& maybe other details about the image) in a block that would then be clickable to the larger image, the MyAlbum random image block offers a lot more functionality than rid.php. If you just want to pull a random image from a directory populated with images, rid.php gets the job done nicely. You can even alter the script to display random Flash or [probably] other media as well.
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Random pic module?
  • 2007/2/26 9:02

  • pod

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  • Since: 2003/4/19

I like to use rid.php in a custom block for this kind of thing. You can download RID here:
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Is there a TOP PAGE smarty identifier?
  • 2007/2/4 10:41

  • pod

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  • Since: 2003/4/19

If you are not using a module for your top page, the easiest way to approach this is:

[color=009900]<{if !empty($xoops_contents)}>[/color]
Display this if viewing a module
Display this if viewing front page 

Hope this helps!
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Flash-based banners not responding to clicks
  • 2007/1/12 23:01

  • pod

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  • Posts: 301

  • Since: 2003/4/19

You [should] just need to make sure that the destination link is the same as the one used by XOOPS to track click-thrus, but the same link does not seem to perform the redirect. If it did & you were trying to direct the HTML or Flash to open the URL for your Banner ID #1, the URL you should point to is:


If you are trying to direct the HTML or Flash to open the URL for your Banner ID #2, the URL you should point to is:



This seems fix the issue of tracking clicks but for some reason does not redirect to the destination URL, odd. I'll have to look at banners.php & see if I can figure out what is going on there.

Regarding your previous question about the Flash banner opening the link in the same browser window, this is something that should be specified within the SWF file unless the vendor has included a 'window' variable, which your example banner did not include. If you have the FLA you can specify this in the OnClick function, ie: (clickTAG, "_blank").
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: Flash-based banners not responding to clicks
  • 2007/1/11 11:18

  • pod

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  • Posts: 301

  • Since: 2003/4/19

Most vendors distribute their Flash banners with a "ClickTag" variable so that you can implement their ad with your own banner click-thru tracking system. See the Microsoft guidelines here for more information on this.

In the case of your example, your object tag should look something like this:

<object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' 
width='468' height='60' id='Reason 146 (468x60)' align='middle'>
param name='allowScriptAccess' value='sameDomain' />
param name='movie' value='Reason 146 (468x60).swf[color=FF0000]?clickTAG=https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=4864-11&affiliate=xxxxx [/color]'/>
param name='menu' value='false' />
param name='quality' value='high' />
param name='bgcolor' value='#ffffff' />
embed src='http://www.acronis.com/i/banner/affiliate/Reason146(468x60).swf[color=FF0000]?clickTAG=https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=4864-11&affiliate=xxxxx[/color]' 
menu='false' quality='high' bgcolor='#ffffff' width='468' height='60' 
name='Reason 146 (468x60)' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' 
type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />

Hope this helps!
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

Re: sry to ask Ive searched
  • 2006/12/23 13:34

  • pod

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  • Since: 2003/4/19

If you could post the code from the HTML page in question, or link us there, it might help in troubleshooting this. From what you have said thus far though, I can offer two suggestions:

First, make sure that your XML file and your SWF file are in the same directory as the page you are attempting to view them on.

If that doesn't work, look to the OBJECT tag in your html page. Specifically, look at the movie parameter:
<param name="movie" value="whatever.swf" />

Where maybe you will see something like:
<param name="movie" value="whatever.swf?xmlfile=myxmlfile.xml" />

...in which case you want to make sure the value of 'myxmlfile.xml' points to the XML file in question on your server.

If this & all else fails, you can zip your project files & send them to me & I'll take a look at it & see what I can do. You can email me directly from my website link below.

Hope this helps =)
whttp://www.myxoops.com - MyXoops Is Your XOOPS!

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